The article discusses the problem of the formation of eating behavior and highlights the ways of its assessment in young children. A modern view of the role of mediators of the central nervous system and peripheral humoral factors in the regulation of appetite is presented. Environmental and social factors affecting changes in eating behavior and body weight in children of the first years of life are disclosed. The results of our own research are described in detail.
Objective: to assess the characteristics of the eating behavior of young children, taking into account the level of physical development at birth. To study the nutritional behavior of young children, a survey of 122 parents was conducted using the Child Eating Behavior Questionare (CEBQ). The questionnaire was filled out by the mother and additionally contained information on the anthropometric indicators (weight (body weight, height, body mass index) of the child and parents, duration of breastfeeding. The study included healthy full-term babies aged 13 to 36 months of life. Among the children were 73 (59.8 %) of boys and 49 (40.2 %) of girls. The influence of mother’s body weight on the eating behavior of young children was revealed. Features of the eating behavior of small for gestational age and large for gestational age babies were revealed. The effect of breastfeeding on indicators of the eating behavior of young children was assessed. Analysis and timely correction of eating behavior and the diet of children should be carried out already from infancy.
The article is devoted to the analysis of the morphological characteristics of placental tissue in women with early reproductive losses with recurrent miscarriage, depending on the presence of polymorphic variants of metalloproteinases and hemostasis. It was established that in women with recurrent miscarriage, the area of the trophoblast of the placenta is significantly larger (р < 0.003), the area of the chorionic villi is smaller (р < 0.04) than in the group of women with implemented reproductive function. Thrombosis of the chorionic vessels, necrosis and calcinates in the placenta with PNF were detected in 80.0 % (р = 0.001), 93.3 % (р = 0.001), and 30.0 % (р = 0.049) of cases, respectively, which is significantly higher than in the comparison group. In patients with PNP with the T/T genotype of the 735 C/T polymorphism of the MMP-2 gene, the trophoblast area is significant (р < 0.05) more than with the C/C genotype, acute full-back (р = 0.02) and intervillous hemorrhage (р = 0.02). In women with the C/T genotype of the polymorphism 735 C/T of the MMP-2 gene, edema and dystrophic changes in the chorionic villi, placental necrosis are determined more often (р = 0.02) than with the C/C genotype. In carriers of the T allele of the polymorphism 735 C/T of the MMP-2 gene in the placenta, necrosis is significantly more common than in the CC genotype; the carriage of the T allele is also associated with large values of the relative area of the trophoblast and the stromal-intervillous relation, as well as with a smaller value of the ratio of the intervillous space area to the total area of the photograph.
The results of corneal graft disease treatment using low molecular weight sodium hyaluronate are presented.
The study included 19 patients (20 eyes) aged 24 to 87 years, who developed graft disease after keratoplasty because of chronic dystrophic corneal diseases. The severity of symptoms during treatment was evaluated weekly during the course of therapy using the OSDI (Ocular Surface Disease Index). To assess the dynamics of objective signs of Dry eye disease in dynamics, visometry, biomicroscopy, Schirmer’s test and LIPCOF test were performed weekly before the next injection. A follow-up study was carried out a week after the last injection, with a 1-year dynamic observation following the treatment.
Changes in objective indicators of the anterior eye surface were characterized by positive dynamics during therapy. The Schirmer test (p < 0.00001) increased most rapidly and significantly with a lasting effect for a month, demonstrating a beneficial therapeutic effect on both the aqueous and mucinous layer of the tear film. A decrease in the OSDI index was noted after the first injection and decreased progressively during the course of treatment and after its completion up to one month after the last injection (p < 0.00001).
The article examines the clinical and roentgenological changes in the periodontal tissues of laboratory animals when mesenchymal stem cells (MSC) are used.
The aim of the study is to create a model of experimental periodontitis and identify the characteristics of clinical and radiological changes in periodontal tissues when applying a biomedical cell product based on allogeneic mesenchymal adipose stem cells (AT MSCs).
During the examination of the clinical and radiological changes in the periodontal tissues ofexperimental animals with formed bone defects filled with AT MSCs, it was found that the mucous membrane regeneration time in the surgical area was comparable in all main groups of animals. Postoperative gum recession was observed in the control group animals. The significant differences between the clinical pictures in groups I–IV during all observation periods after surgery were not revealed. However, the restoration process signs in the post-resection area found during the roentgenological examination in the groups using osteoinduced MSCs, as well as a mixture of MSC cultures and osteo-induced MSCs, were most pronounced, which is confirmed by the bone mineral density.
The experimental periodontitis model, which could be used for assessing the bone tissue restoration processes of a labioratory animal, was developed. Thus, the use of collagen membranes with a suspension of allogeneic osteo-induced AT MSCs cultures, as well as membranes with a suspension of a mixture of allogeneic and allogeneic osteo-induced AT MSCs in the ratio of 1:1 allows achieving higher bone tissue recovery rates.
We have analyzed results of treatment of 23 (30 knee joints) patients, including Hemophilia A – 22 cases (73.3 %) and Hemophilia B – 8 (26.7 %), with III–IV stages of hemophilic arthropathy, who were operated on for severe combined instability and various types of deformations: varus – 8, valgus – 11, recurvation – 2, “сompensated” valgus-varus – 3; totally 30 TKRs. In 7 patients (30.4 %) both knee joints were operated on. TKR of the right knee joint – 16 (53.3 %), left – 14 (46.7 %). With flexion contracture – 6 cases, mixed – 20, rigidity – 4. In 19 cases (63.3 %) deviation of the lower limb axis was >10°.
We used: X-ray, topogram of lower extremities, CT.
For coagulation status assessment we used: screening coagulation test, levels of scarce coagulation factors (FVIII, FIX), inhibitor of coagulation factor (FVIII, FIX) level.
Function was evaluated before and at 1–9 years postoperatively using KSS, Oxford and VAS scales.
Statistical analysis – STATISTICA 6.0, p < 0.05.
An integrated approach to patients’ management by the use of preoperative planning, surgical techniques, selection of an endoprosthesis of the necessary design and a personalized program of hemostasiological support in the perioperative period that we developed allowed us to obtain excellent results in 1-year period after the operation according to the KSS rating scale in 26 (86.7 %) cases, good in 3 (10 %) cases, satisfactory – in 1 (3.3 %). On the Oxford scale, excellent results were obtained in 25 (83.3 %) cases, good in 4 (13.3 %) cases, satisfactory in 1 (3.3 %). 1–9 years after the operation, no statistically significant differences were obtained in the results with data of 1 year (p > 0.05).
The developed tactics of hemostatic replacement therapy and laboratory control provided satisfactory hemostasis in the perioperative period.
Two genovariants (1a1 and 1a2) are distinguished among Human parvovirus B19 (B19P) of subgenotype 1a, of which 1a2 was predominantly distributed during the incidence rise in Belarus. The aim of this study was a comparative analysis of the amino acid variability and of the mutational pressure directions in different parts of the genome between genovariants 1a1 and 1a2.
The analysis of the consensus amino acid sequences of two genovariants and the three-dimensional structure models of protein fragments was carried out. In total, two unique amino acid substitutions in the main non-structural protein NS1 of 1a2 were found (I181M and E114G), one of which E114G is close to the DNA-binding domain (OBD) responsible for attachment to the replication origin site and can affect the rate of virus replication and transcription. Three unique amino acid substitutions were found in the structural polypeptide VP of 1a2: V30L, S98N, and N533S. Two of them are located in the most immunogenic region VP1u and can contribute to the escape from immune response. The investigation of the mutational pressure direction revealed a decrease in the frequency of G to T transversions in the second reading frame of 1a2, which reflects a higher transcription rate as a result of amino acid substitution in the OBD protein.
The differences revealed between the genetic variants of subgenotype 1a B19P both in the antigenic sites and in the replication and transcription system can provide an increased “fitness” for the genetic variant 1a2 and explain its predominant distribution during the incidence rise.
Primary immunodeficiency diseases (PID) are a heterogeneous group of genetically determined diseases of the immune system. Patients with a PID are characterized by increased infectious sensitivity, a high rate of development of autoimmune diseases and malignant diseases. All these factors lead to a high incidence of early child mortality.
We identified 191 patients (120 males and 71 female) with genetically confirmed PID, which are represented by 25 nosologies. We found 32 variants that have not been previously described. Most of these variants were small deletions (n = 13) that lead to the synthesis of a shortened protein. Missense variants rank second in frequency (n = 11). Missense mutations lead to changes in the amino acid sequence of the protein. These mutations affect the structure of a protein and change the functional activity of a protein.
The aim of the study is assess the dynamics of laboratory and instrumental parameters (these are cardiovascular risk factors) in patients with chronic kidney disease in the preoperative period and after renal transplantation.
A single-center prospective cohort study included 43 kidney transplant recipients. Clinical examination, laboratory and instrumental studies were carried out in the preoperative period, in six months and in five years after transplantation. Laboratory tests included a complete blood count, coagulation, biochemical blood test and enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays. The dynamics of structural and functional heart parameters was studied by echocardiography in the preoperative period and in five years.
It was found that the blood pressure, pulse rate, and hypotension episodes decreased after renal transplantation. Hyperaldosterone in the preoperative period was more common than after transplantation. It was observed that the blood level of total cholesterol, triglycerides, interleukin-6, tumor necrosis factor-α, and C-reactive protein decreased in the postoperative period. The hyperglycemia incidence significantly decreased by the end of the observation period. It was detected that the NT-proBNP level increased in all recipients in the preoperative period and decreased to normal values in 37.2 % (n = 16) recipients in the postoperative period. The number of red blood cells and the hemoglobin concentration increased and the hyperethropoietinemia incidence decreased in the postoperative period. The glomerular filtration rate was lower in six months after transplantation than in five years.
A model has been developed to classify patients according to the degree of suicidal risk based on social, mental, psychological and biochemical data.
Based on the analysis of 15,996 cases of parasuicides and 2,355 cases of suicides, three patient groups were formed: persons who had suicidal attempt with high probability of death (mainly hanging), persons who had suicidal attempt in other ways, and persons who had diagnosed adjustment disorder and did not have suicidal attempts (comparison group). The groups consisted of 40, 80 and 40 people, respectively.
For all studied patients fixed socio-demographic data, diagnosis, determined individual and characterological features, measured lipid metabolism in peripheral blood. A total of 32 factors were investigated. A model has been developed to classify patients according to the degree of suicidal risk based on these data.
The most important factors for classifying patients by risk of suicide are pronounced motivation for suicide, the type of mental disorder and the type of temperament.
ISSN 2524-2350 (Online)