
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, Medical series

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No 1 (2017)
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7-14 578
The research results of the influence of mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) isolated from adipose tissue on the viability and the functional activity in the co-culture of hepatocytes. It was established that the method of culturing hepatocytes isolated from the liver does not provide a larger number of these cells and leads to decrease in the viability from 98 to 15  % on the 1st day and on the 7th day, respectively. Synthesis of liver secretory proteins HGF and ANGPTL4 demonstrates the possibility of using MSCs as the substrate to maintain the functional properties of isolated hepatocytes during cultivation. Therefore, the co-culturing of adipose tissue-derived mesenchymal stem cells and isolated liver cells promotes cell transplant preservation for a certain period of time as compare with the monoculture of hepatocytes. The auxiliary role of mesenchymal stem cells is particularly promising in the context of cell transplantation for acute liver failure, in which the co-transplantation of MSC and hepatocytes may provide an optimal combination of the functional activity of liver support with anti-inflammatory action.
15-20 537
In experiments on rats it was shown that chronic ethanol intoxication causes Kupffer cells activation, depression of detoxication processes, increase in the content of lipid peroxidation products in blood and liver, the level of NO3–/NO2– and the activity of alanine aminotransferase and aspartate aminotransferase in plasma. Inhibition of the activity of Kupffer cells by gadolinium chloride, as NO-syntase activity by L-NAME, reduces the toxic effect of ethanol on the liver, as well as the development of typical changes in the processes of lipid peroxidation, detoxication, the levels of NO3–/NO2– in blood plasma in rats with chronic alcoholization. The functional state of Kupffer cells and the L-arginine-NO system activity, the nitric oxide production is the important factors of realizing the ethanol influence on detoxication and peroxidation processes in the liver.
21-28 547
Cancer of the mucous membrane of the oral cavity takes the 6th place in the prevalence among malignant neoplasms in the world. Foreign oncologists prefer a combined method in treatment of the cancer of the oropharyngeal area, in which the leading role is given to surgery.
The work presents the results of surgical treatment of 177 patients with localized cancer in the oropharyngeal area. The volume of surgical resection depended on the location and prevalence of cancer in the periglottis, the mouth floor and oropharynx. Depending on the volume of resection, the patients were divided into two groups: the control group consisted of 95 patients who underwent endoral resection within one or two anatomical structures; the main group consisted of 82 patients who underwent extended resection with simultaneous reconstructive surgery within no less than three anatomical areas.
Wherein the vast postresectional defects are formed, which are accompanied by the disorder of such vital functions as respiration, speech, chewing, and swallowing. Following the disorder of these functions, the mentality of patients is injured, resulting in social maladjustment that often becomes the reason for their refusal from surgery. Formed postresectional defects, which are incompatible with life, are an absolute indication for momentary reconstructive surgery.
Before and after surgical treatment, speech and swallowing function rates were measured in all the patients.
29-37 656
Due to its low costs and physical and chemical properties the palm oil is the major oil produced and used in food industry. We compare the influence of olive and palm oils on the plasma lipid profile and the liver fatty acids content of experimental animals (rats). Male and female rats were divided into the control Canola oil (CO) group and the Palm oil (PO) group where the control group had 30  % of fat from a daily calorie intake whereas the CO and PO groups substitute 5  % of fat of canola and palm oils. Additionally, one female group had 10  % of palm oil substitution of dietary fat (PO2 group). Consumption of these diets causes a significant increase in plasma triglycerides in all experimental groups compared to the control group, a total cholesterol increase in the PO2 group. The liver fatty acids profile dose-dependently reflects the diet content. Palm oil decreases the trans-fatty acids amount compared to the control and CO groups but also decreases the level of essential a-linolenic acid which is considered as the negative effect of palm oil.
38-45 589
Peripheral primitive neuroectodermal tumor (pPNET) can occur in any bone or soft tissue and is about a quarter of all pediatric patients with Ewing’s sarcoma family of tumors. The aim of this study was to investigate whether patient characteristics differ between the cases with favorable and unfavorable outcomes. Thus, 53 pediatric patients with pPNET from the Republic of Belarus reported to the sub-cancer registry database from 1999 to 2014 were evaluated. The survival rate was estimated by means of the Kaplan-Meier method and was compared using log-rank tests and Cox proportional hazard models. Overall survival (OS) was superior for localized pPNET compared with metastatic forms (70.3  % vs 20.0  %;
P =   0.0016). Fifteen-year OS for the entire cohort of patients was 60.2  %. Known clinical prognostic factors (age, sex, tumors volume, response to treatment and other) did not differ between patients with favorable and unfavorable outcomes.
Treatment results for pediatric patients with pPNET from the Republic of Belarus comply with the generally accepted standards. Patients with metastatic status need new treatment strategies. Search for new predictive markers is required for early detection of resistant to conventional treatment patients with localized pPNET.
46-53 1027
The effect of microbiological preparations EM-1 and EMX-Gold on the accumulation and excretion of 137Cs in white laboratory male rats after oral administration of radionuclide is investigated. EM-1 is a complex of symbiotic cultured microorganisms: lactic acid bacteria, yeasts, purple photosynthetic bacteria. EMX-Gold is a dietary supplement based on extracts from EM-1. It consists of a set of secondary metabolites isolated from the culture of the symbiotic microorganisms. The activity of 137Cs in the daily diet was 34.95 ± 5.62 Bq/day. After two months of keeping animals on feed contaminated with 137Cs, the equilibrium activity of radioisotope in the body of animals was reached. It is equal to 210–230 Bq/kg. Eight days after changing the diet free of the radioisotope feed, decreasing the 137Cs activity concentration in the bodies of rats by 36–39  % is established. The effective half-life of 137Cs in the bodies of 8-month-old rats under chronic 2-month ingestion of radioisotope was 352 ± 69 hours, for 10-month-old animals this index is equal to 394 ± 148 hours. Introduction of EM-1 or EMX-Gold into the diet over a period of 2 months reduces the effective half-life of 137Cs by 16–19  % (p < 0.15). A permanent addition of the microbial preparation EM-1 or EMX-Gold to drinking water does not alter the rate of excretion of radionuclide from the body after the 4-month maintenance of male rats on a diet contaminated with radioactive cesium.
54-59 527
By means of mathematical modeling of pressure losses in the internal carotid artery at the point of bifurcation of the common carotid artery it is established that in the absence of the violation of the geometry of the above arteries, pressure losses practically do not occur. At the geometry violation, some pressure losses determined by the type and expression of pathology, as well as by the place of its location relative to the bifurcation point are observed.
60-65 457
Structural and ultrastructural features of the myocardium were studied by experimental models of streptozotocin-induced diabetes. It was revealed that the early stage of the diabetic heart disease is associated with the development of adaptive (compensatory) processes in the heart. The later stages of the diabetic heart disease is associated with the development of degenerative processes оf the myocardium and the disruption of adaptation – decompensation.
66-77 450
The Reprimo gene methylation status is identified in primary tumors and peritoneal washings after radical surgical treatment of gastric cancer. The analysis allowed us to show a statistically significant change in the Reprimo status in peritoneal washings in patients before and after dissection (p  = 0.007) and also to identify the conjugation of the Reprimo status in the primary tumor with the number of the metastatic lymph node pN (p  = 0.043). The risk of disease progression with peritoneal dissemination and survival linked with the Reprimo tumor status, with the Reprimo status of peritoneal washings, and with lymph node metastases (pN) are identified using the multivariate analysis. The data allow us to consider the methylation status Reprimo as an additional indication for adjuvant intraperitoneal chemotherapy.
78-82 514
This article presents the analysis of clinical, morphological and morphometric factors in 90 patients with colorectal cancer. It is noted that adenocarcinoma of the sigmoid colon is characterized by the greatest risk of hematogenous spread of the tumor. The hematogenous metastases percent increases with increasing depth of tumor invasion and the presence of lymph nodes lesion. Metastatic colorectal cancer is characterized by the predominance of the tumor stromal component in the area of deep invasion.
83-89 458
In this article we presented the results of electron microscopy of the laboratory rat myocardium after doxorubicin treatment. The heart damage and the development of cardiomyopathy under antracycline antibiotic doxorubicin were established. Pathogenesis and morphology of heart complications caused by this cytostatic were studied. It was established that doxorubicin induces dystrophy, necrosis, apoptosis, and autophagy in some cardiomyocytes of damage heart. Fibrosis of the connective tissue in myocardium is a cause of tissue ischemia and the development of chronic heart failure.
90-96 464
The aim of this study was to investigate the activity of succinate dehydrogenase, lactate dehydrogenase, NADH-dehydrogenase, and acid phosphatase in biopsies of the bottom and pyloric parts of the stomach in children (6-18 years of age) with chronic gastritis and chronic gastritis at the dysplasia of the connective tissue. Histological and histochemical methods, morphometry, cytophotometry and statistical analysis were used.
It was found that the connective tissue dysplasia causes destructive changes in simple columnar epithelium, especially in the bottom part, with inhibition of the synthesis of mucopolysaccharides, which leads to a reduction in the number of epithelial cells not only in the simple columnar, but also in the mucus. Changes in the main and, especially, parietal exocrine cells are less pronounced. So, reducing the mucosal barrier in the presence of aggressive factors juice in children with chronic gastritis at the dysplasia of the connective tissue leads to a higher incidence of erosion and sometimes ulcers with increasing disease severity.
97-102 414

High malignant neuroepithelial tumors are characterized by a cascade growth that features primarily the growth of tumor vessels to periphery with an involvement of tumor cells in process. With the expansion of their population by a factor of 2,
a new tumor vessel appears outside the main tumor node.
Low malignant neuroepithelial tumors are characterized by the growth of tumor mass by means of the cell population. With the two-fold rise of the cell amount, a new proliferating vessel appears which increases the stage of tumor malignancy.
Neuroepithelial tumors are contaminated by HSV in 92–93  % of all cases that is manifestated by inflammation.
The patients with neuroepithelial tumors growing on the background of the inflammatory process caused by HSV have different degrees of aggressiveness of the disease depending on the presence or absence of exacerbation signs.
Contamination of neuroepithelial tumors by HSV increases a proliferative activity of tumor cells due to increase in the amount of anti-apoptosis factor (bcl-2), two times, the endothelium of vessels three times and also increases the amount of the endothelial growth factor which is directly proportional to the expression of antibody HSV during viral replication that is accompanied by exacerbation of chronical inflammation, on which tumors are growing.
Neuroepitelhial tumors recur on the background of exacerbation of chronic inflammation in the interval: glyoblastomas – 3 to 6 months, anaplastical astrocytomas and olygodendroglyomas and ependimomas – 6 to 9 months, astrocytomas and oligodendroglyomas – 18 to 24 months.

The increase in the amount of newly formed blood vessels is the unfavorable factor and points to more early beginnings of relapse in case ofneuroepitelial tumors. For anaplastic astrocitomas, it is 25 and more, for anaplastic oligodendrogliomas – 26 and more, for glioblastomas – 37 and more.

103-110 713
In the experiments on 22 adult male rats with a conditioned reflex of avoidance prepared in the shuttle chamber, it was found that a single application of gamma-amino butyric acid (3 mg/ml in a volume of 20 μl) at the nasal mucosa of rats was accompanied by deceleration of the extinction process of the conditioned reflex to 2–3 weeks compared with controls. The intranasal application of gamma-amino butyric acid before hypobaric hypoxia (5 min) contributed to the restoration of the natural pattern of extinction of the conditioned reflex, which was typical for the control animals.
Thus, the impact of classical inhibitory neurotransmitter on the vomeronasal organ in rats was characterized by the restructuring of the integrative activity of the brain and the improvement of learning and memory mechanisms that were vulnerable to reduced oxygen tension in the brain tissues.
111-117 662
At the Laboratory of Neurophysiology of the Institute of Physiology, National Academy of Sciences of Belarus the hypothesis was verified that one of the mechanisms of neuroplasticity with brain injury manifests itself in the natural activation of the process of migration of mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs). The protocol of obtaining and cultivating MSCs culture was worked out, evaluated their viability was evaluated, the possibility of using fluorescent markers for visualization of the migration processes was substantiated, the non-invasive ways to deliver MSCs to the injury site were analyzed.
In experiments on male rats it was demonstrated that the administration of mesenchymal stem cells in the sub-mucosal space of the nasal cavities of rats in 10 minutes after the unilateral destruction by the aspiration of 20 microlitre of the tissue CA1 of the hippocampus region is accompanied by the restoration of the vital functions and the protective and indicative reflexes as a whole by one week earlier than in the rats, into which MSCs were not administered after similar destructions of the brain in the sub-mucosal membrane of the nasal cavities.
118-122 439
The aim is to determine the immunoassay effectiveness for determination of antibodies to Helicobacter pylori in the oral fluid of patients with periimplantitis.
We examined 274 patients. The first group included 248 patients with osteointegrated implants. The second group of 26 patients had the diagnosis of the periimplantitis on the basis of clinical data and the radiological methods. A positive test for Helicobacter pylori according to whole blood was determined in 8  % of patients of the 1st group and in 85  % of the 2nd group. While according to the oral fluid, the test results were positive in 15  % of patients of the 1st group and 100  % patients of the 2nd group. Consequently, the Helicobacter pylori is one of the factors in the development of periimplantitis and should be considered as a relative contraindication to the operation of dental implantation. The presented material confirms the immunoassay effectiveness for determination of antibodies to Helicobacter pylori in the oral fluid of patients with periimplantitis.
123-128 388
The prenatal alcoholization has resulted in significant qualitative and quantitative disorders of organelles in the internal pyramidal neurons in the frontal cortex during postnatal ontogenesis, which corresponds to the structural and histochemical defects to be identified at the light-optical level. The revealed disorders of organellogenesis in the pyramidal neurons of the cerebral cortex may underlie the known irreversible neurological and behavioral disturbances in animals after prenatal alcoholization.

ISSN 1814-6023 (Print)
ISSN 2524-2350 (Online)