The condition of gastric mucosa was assessed in relatives of patients with gastric cancer (RPGC). The study included 108 RPGC (main group) and 102 patients with no family history of gastric cancer who were screened for dyspepsia. All study participants were subjected to clinical examination, questioning and esophagogastroduodenoscopy (EGDS) with a biopsy, in which the gastric mucosa state was assessed according to the modified Sydney system, the OLGA and OLGIM systems, and the definition of Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori) infection. It was established that the prevalence of H. pylori infection in the main group was 58.3 % (95 % CI 48.8–67.7), in the control group – 56.0 % (95 % CI 46.1–65.6). At RPGC, atrophy of any localization (46.3 % (95 % CI 39.4–53.2) versus 26.5 % (95 % CI 20.4–32.6), respectively, was found more often than in the control group, respectively, p = 0.002), antral atrophic gastritis (41.6 % (95 % CI 34.8–48.4) versus 26.5 % (95 % CI 20.4–32.6), respectively, p = 0.020), and isolated atrophy in the stomach body (4.6 % (95 % CI 1.7–7.4) versus 0 % ( p = 0.03). In RPGC, atrophy developed at a younger age (48.0 years (95 % CI 44.0–52.0) versus 53.0 years in the control group (95 % CI 48.3–57.8) p = 0.000). There were no significant differences between the groups in the incidence of metaplasia and dysplasia. The following risk factors for development of atrophy were identified in the factor analysis: age over 6f0 years (odd ratio (OR) 53.0; 95 % CI 12.2–390.1; p < 0.001), age over 40 years (OR 4.0; 95 % CI 2.0–8.2; p < 0.001), heredity burdened by gastric cancer (OR 2.7; 95 % CI 1.4–5.7; p = 0.006) and the use of strong alcoholic beverages (OR 5.5; 95 % CI 1.6–21.6; p = 0.009). The frequency of the atrophy development of the gastric mucosa is increased in RPGC, and atrophic gastritis develops at a younger age in comparison with individuals without a burdened hereditary history. In addition to the hereditary factor, the risk of atrophy is associated with age and alcohol use.
The article presents the results of treatment of 33 patients with hip joint ankylosis. The authors had proposed the tactical scheme of surgical treatment of patients with hip ankylosis and the results of total hip replacement within 5–10 years.
. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of quercetin (QC) and its complex with 2-hydroxypropyl-β-cyclodextrin (QECD) in healing burn related skin wounds in the rat model. Male Wistar rats were subjected to third-degree burn injury of skin in the interscapular area using a metal rod heated to 80 °C. The area of the skin which the burn was applied to was secured from the surroundings by the protective chamber. In order to estimate the efficacy of different treatment modalities the experiments were carried out in two stages. On first stage of the study, the group of animals (n = 21) was subjected to burn injury and the wound surface was not affected with additional procedures except the substances for treatment being applied. During the second stage of the study with another group of animals (n = 18) the removal of necrotic tissue was carried out over the period of 3 to 7 days. The progress of the wound healing was followed by performing morphometric analyses in order to determine complete re-epithelialization. The phagocytic index of neutrophils was determined in washouts from the wounds during the healing process. The animals used on the first stage of the study were sacrificed at day 21 of the experiment and those on the second stage at day 43 and the tissues were subjected to histological examination. The amounts of white blood cells and phagocytic index of neutrophils were calculated in blood samples followed by the measurements of metabolic activities of neutrophils. The removal of necrotic tissue has been found to promote better wound healing caused by thermal exposure. No reliable evidence has been obtained on QC or QECD abilities to significantly accelerate the burn wound epithelialization. The square of the secondary wound scab covered the damaged skin surface has been found to be decreased in the first group of animals on the 14th day followed by the exposure while the rate of wound epithelialization has been found to be increased in the second group of animals at the final stage of wound healing under the treatment with substances being investigated. As a result the ability of QE and QECD to normalize the white blood cell differential, phagocytic and metabolic activities of neutrophils recruited to a wound and neutrophil blood levels has been found.
The search for new effective methods to prevent or mitigate ischemic myocardial damage and the mechanisms for their realization is an important task of modern experimental and clinical medicine. The aim of the study was to elucidate the significance of peripheral M-choline-reactive systems in the realization of the cardioprotective effects of remote ischemic postconditioning (RIPostC) during ischemia-reperfusion of myocardium in experiment. The study revealed that RIPostC has an infarct-limiting effect during ischemia-reperfusion of myocardium in young and old rats, but under the conditions of systemic action of atropine (2 mg/kg), the infarct-limiting effect of RIPostC remained only in old rats. It seems that the activity of peripheral M-choline-reactive systems is important in the mechanisms of realization of the cardioprotective effects of RIPost in young, but not in old rats.
Nowadays the morphological features of esophageal mucosa damage in patients with the gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) and the obstructive sleep apnea/hypopnea syndrome (OSAHS) are not completely researched.
The objective of the study was to determine the morphological features of esophageal mucosa damage in patients with GERD and OSAHS.
143 patients underwent esophagogastroduodenoscopy with biopsy of the lower third of the esophagus and respiratory monitoring. Patients were divided into 4 groups: group 1 – patients with GERD, group 2 – patients with GERD and OSAHS, group 3 – with OSAHS, group 4 – comparison group. Morphological examination with morphometric assessment of epithelium thickness, height of connective tissue papillae, internuclear distances and intercellular spaces was performed.
Patients with GERD are characterized by a large thickness of the epithelium, higher connective tissue papillae, wider internuclear spaces in epithelium layers, enlarged intercellular spaces in the epithelium of the esophagus in contrast to the patients of the comparison group. Patients with GERD and OSAHS have a more pronounced epithelium thickness and wider internuclear distances in the prickly layer of the epithelium compared with patients with GERD, the high connective tissue papillae with dilated capillaries and signs of microangiopathy, sclerotic changes in the mucosa of the esophagus are determined.
The obtained data show that patients with GERD and OSAHS had more pronounced epithelial disorganization in comparison with patients with GERD without OSAHS.
Different protocols of controlled ovarian stimulation have a significant influence on ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome (OHSS) patterns in women who undergo in vitro fertilization programs (IVF).
The objective of this research was to evaluate the impact of different ovarian stimulation protocols on various clinical and laboratory parameters of OHSS, such as embryologic characteristics, hormonal changes, hemostasis, and IVF outcomes. The study was made on the basis of the MPUE “Center of Reproductive Medicine” (Minsk, Belarus) and included,
in total, 718 women who underwent IVF for infertility treatment. 103 patients developed OHSS and were divided into two groups based on hormonal stimulation protocols: Group 1 included 60 women who were stimulated with gonadotrophin releasing hormone (GnRH) agonists protocol; Group 2 consisted of 43 women who were prescribed GnRH antagonists during ovarian stimulation.
In Group 1 (ovarian stimulation protocol with GnRH agonists), we established significantly higher serum concentrations of estradiol and progesterone during IVF and more marked hemostatic shift towards hypercoagulation: statistically significant elevation of fibrinogen and D-dimes simultaneously with decrease in the primary anticoagulants (antithrombin III and protein С) functional activity. Also, Group 1 had a significantly higher incidence of the early form of OHSS and embryo transfer cancellation caused by a high risk of severe OHSS.
OHSS that has developed after the GnRH agonists protocol of controlled ovarian stimulation is associated with higher risks of complications and lower chances of successful pregnancy, which is explained by hyperestrogenic state, elevated progesterone levels, marked hypercoagulation, and higher incidence of early OHSS, which leads to the necessity of embryo transfer cancellation.
Studies on pneumococcal resistome and molecular antimicrobial resistance mechanisms are relevant and may be used in large-scale epidemiological researches and surveillance of antimicrobial resistance.
A study of antimicrobial molecular resistance in the pneumococcal strains, that were isolated from the patients having the different forms of the pneumococcal infection or carriage, and association of it with phenotypes, clinical and epidemiological features of the strains (serotype, form of the infection).
We studied 546 pneumococcal strains and 5 specimens, that were isolated/obtained from the patients of various age (5 days – 81 years) having the different forms of the pneumococcal infection (meningitis and other invasive forms – 28, pneumonia – 27, acute rhinosinusitis – 18, acute otitis media – 118, conjunctivitis – 26) or carriage (331).
We used multiplex PCR to detect the following molecular pneumococcal antimicrobial resistance determinants – genes mefA, ermB and mutations in the penicillin-binding proteins: pbp1a (574T→N, 575S→T, 576Q→G and 577F→Y); pbp2b (431T→K, 432Q→L) and pbp2x (338T→A).
Among studied strains 60 % of 551 possess at least one resistance mechanism to macrolides/lincosamides, while 22 % were heteroresistant (mefA + ermB). About 65 % of the strains carry at least one pbp modification, 26 % – two modifications and 24 % – three pbp modifications. 23S RNA methylase (ermB gene) were discovered as a dominating mechanism and was detected in 43 % of genetically resistant strains. Pbp 1a + 2x + 2b and pbp 1a + 2x were more frequent modifications among penicillin genetically resistant pneumococci, while pbp2b genotype was not detected.
The aim of the study was to evaluate the effectiveness of using posterior rotational and femoral varus derotation osteotomy in the treatment of Kalamchi type II deformities in children.
The main group (27 operations in 26 children) included those cases when the posterior rotational osteotomy of the femur was performed according to A.M. Sokolovsky. The control group (39 operations in 36 children) was represented by the cases when femoral varus derotation osteotomy was performed. We evaluated the radiological criteria for stability, centering of the femoral head in the acetabulum, and congruence of the affected hip joints. X-ray control was carried out 3, 6, 12 months after the operation, and then once a year. The clinical treatment results were evaluated on a modified McKay scale, the radiological ones – according to a modified Severin classification. Postoperative follow-up in the main group averaged 7 years 8 months, in the control group – on average 6 years 6 months.
The radiological treatment results in all age subgroups were better in the main group. The clinical treatment results at the age of 10 years were better in the main group, and at the age of 10 years and older, they were comparable in the both groups.
The posterior femoral rotational osteotomy is the surgery of choice in treating Kalamchi type II deformity in children.
The purpose was to determine the effectiveness of endothelial-epithelial dystrophy treatment with subconjunctival injection of low molecular weight hyaluronic acid.
Prospective material of 14 corneas with different epithelialepithelial dystrophy forms were examined and treated. To study the morphological features of keratopathy with the background of glaucoma staining of histological preparations with hematoxylin and eosin; histochemical staining (PAS reaction, MSB,Masson,Congored; IHC with CD44, MMP9, TGFβ1 were used.
According to the results obtained, in the group of patients with EED, with the background of the use of an injectable form of hyaluronic acid, the activity of inflammation decreases due to a decrease in the epithelial and stromal expression of CD44 and MMP9. The proapoptotic and profibrotic action of TGFβ1 decreases.
The analysis of the state of the problem on the sarcoidosis of the respiratory organs at the present stage has been carried out. The aspects of sarcouidosis immunopathogenesis are considered. Attention is focused on the variability of clinical and morphological manifestations and the expediency of identifying clinical and morphological phenotypes of sarcoidosis.
In the differential diagnosis of tuberculosis and sarcoidosis, a comprehensive study of biopsy specimens is recommended, including a morphological study and a molecular study for mycobacterium tuberculosis. The negative result of a molecular study of a tissue substrate improves the accuracy and reliability of morphological verification of sarcoidosis.
Today, the study of autism spectrum disorders is relevant due to a high prevalence, an increase in the frequency of occurrence, as well as due to a lack of the unified concept of their etiology and pathogenesis. The purpose of the work is to conduct a brief review of evolution of the childhood autism ideas, including the pathogenesis issues and a search for possible markers of this disease. A brief information on the historical development of the childhood autism ideas, from the pre-Kanner period until now is presented. The modern pathogenesis theories are considered, including heredity, as well as the impact of adverse environmental factors on the child’s body during prenatal development: toxic effects, inflammatory processes and immune disorders in the mother’s body. Modern pathogenesis theories consider such processes as the disruption of synaptic transmission, metabolic disorders of neurotransmitters and neurospecific proteins, the carriage of antibodies to neurotransmitters and neurospecific proteins, the mitochondrial dysfunction, the peroxidation increase, the connection with gastrointestinal tract diseases and altered microflora. The data presented suggest that childhood autism is a multifactorial disease, and a search for markers should then cover a wide range of parameters, including genetic, immunological, biochemical, and possibly microbiological characteristics of the child’s body.
ISSN 2524-2350 (Online)