No 2 (2017)
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N. I. Nechipurenko,
R. R. Sidorovich,
I. D. Pashkouskaya,
O. L. Zmachynskaya,
N. I. Chernenko,
T. Yu. Bonchkovskaya
7-15 452
The aim of the work was to study clinico-electroencephalographic and biochemical disorders, cerebral hemodynamic parameters in the major arteries of the head in patients with symptomatic epilepsy on the background of unruptured cerebral aneurysms. The patients were divided into control (n = 19) and main (n = 11) groups. Various kinds of neurosurgical treatment of aneurysms were performed in 100 % of the patients of the main group and 79 % of the patients of the control group. Changes in the bioelectric activity of the brain were revealed in 22 % of patients with epilepsy on the background of unruptured cerebral aneurysms, who were the patients of the main group. The regional slow-wave activity and the regional epileptiform activity were identified on the side of the aneurysm location in these cases. Preservation of the cognitive function was demonstrated in all patients who were defined with the help of the Mini Mental State Examination scale. No statistically significant changes in a peak systolic blood flow velocity was revealed in the middle cerebral and internal carotid arteries and the Lindegaard index value in the aneurysmal modified and intact vessels when duplex scanning of the major arteries of the head. Disorders of carbohydrate-energy metabolism, imbalance in the pro-, antioxidant system of the blood and the trend to increase the concentration of tumor necrosis factor-alpha were found in the blood biochemical study of patients.
16-25 439
The search for new effective methods of preventing or reducing ischemic myocardial injury is an actual problem of modern experimental and clinical medicine. In clinical practice, the need to protect the myocardium from ischemic and reperfusion injury most often occurs in patients with various risk factors for cardiovascular diseases, including hypercholesterolemia. The aim of the study was to determine the reproducibility of antiischemic and antiarrhythmic effects of the remote ischemic post-conditioning myocardium of rats with hypercholesterolemia. It was found that the remote ischemic post-conditioning is not effective in terms of necrosis area size limits in the left ventricle during ischemia-reperfusion in rats with hypercholesterolemia. The remote ischemic post-conditioning is effective in reducing the duration of cardiac arrhythmias during acute myocardial ischemia-reperfusion injury in rats with hypercholesterolemia. The duration of ischemic heart rhythm disturbances decreased by 85 % (p < 0.05). The results of the performed study are of great importance for practical medicine. The findings indicate the need for a differentiated approach to the appointment of the remote ischemic post-conditioning in patients with acute myocardial infarction. The existence of such a risk factor for cardiovascular diseases such as hypercholesterolemia can be a criterion for exclusion of the remote ischemic post-conditioning as a way of reducing ischemic and reperfusion injury of the myocardium in patients with acute myocardial infarction.
V. A. Lavrinenko,
Yu. E. Mareika,
E. Yu. Berezovskaya,
O. I. Bydanov,
M. V. Belevtsev,
N. V. Minakovskaya,
O. V. Aleynikova
26-40 575
Relapse remains one of the main causes of treatment failure and mortality after allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (alloHSCT) in patients with hematological malignancies. Chimerism monitoring provides information on engraftment and risk of relapse. The results of 104 alloHSCT performed in patients with hematological malignancies during 2009–2016 were included. Increasing mixed chimerism (MC) was an unfavorable prognostic factor for the event-free survival (EFS) (HR = 6.9, p < 0.0001) and was associated with a high risk of relapse after alloHSCT (HR = 12.2, p < 0.0001). EFS in patients with full donor chimerism (FDC), decreasing MC, increasing MC was 68.1 ± 6.4; 60.0 ± 21.9 and 0 % (p < 0.0001), the cumulative incidence of relapse was 10.8 ± 4.6; 0 and 81.3 ± 10.8 % (p < 0.0001), respectively. Increasing MC was detected in 2–435 (median 23.5) days before relapse in 10 (62.5 %) of 16 cases. Increasing MC appeared in bone marrow earlier and more often than in peripheral blood (p = 0.06). During hematologic relapse, FDC in peripheral blood can be observed. A graft-versushost disease was observed more often in patients with full donor chimerism than with MC (p = 0.0004).
41-49 624
The variant anatomy of the Internal Iliac Artery (IIA) is diverse and complex. Due to the complexity of the pelvic arterial system, thorough anatomical knowledge is paramount. We evaluated the applicability of the Adachi and Yamaki classification with Computerized Tomography Angiography (CTA) and Digital Subtraction Angiography (DSA) in the evaluation of patients with multifocal atherosclerosis. Results of these diagnostic research methods were compared. Our purpose was to evaluate the ability of CTA and DSA, to determine a branch typing of IIA, to improve diagnosis and treatment in patients with complex multifocal lesions. The single-center retrospective analysis of CTA and DSA findings in 30 male patients with multifocal atherosclerosis was made. The branching patterns of IIA were classified according to the Adachi and Yamaki classifications. The comparison of the research methods was based on revealing atherosclerotic lesions of IIA or the Internal Pudendal Arteries (IPA) during the standard diagnostic investigation: CTA versus DSA. At the same time, we calculated the sensitivity and specificity of DSA in the diagnosis of IPA lesions and the main arteries of the iliac segments. Computerized Tomography Angiography and Digital Subtraction Angiography findings did not allow the classification of all the pelvic sides according to the Adachi and Yamaki classifications. So, only 65.95 % of the investigated branch types of IIA were determined due to CTA, and only 47.83 % – due to DSA. The DSA sensitivity and specificity in the diagnosis of main vessel lesions was 93.1 and 80.0 %, respectively. The DSA sensitivity and specificity in the diagnosis of IPA lesions was 60.0 and 75.0 %, respectively. The Adachi and Yamaki classifications are radiologically reproducible but do not allow easy recognition of the main IIA branches in patients with multifocal atherosclerosis. Due to the complexity and variability of the pelvic arterial system, especially in patients with multifocal lesions, it is necessary to carry out primarily CTA for modeling possible surgical or endovascular intervention.
50-60 433
We performed an experimental study to compare application of original stappled intestinal suture covered with amniotic membranae and general (standard) intestinal suture methods. Pathogenetic-based blunt abdominal trauma with gydrodynamic stroke intestinal rupture model was used to create each of two conditions: intestinal rupture complicated with 3 hours-last acute peritonitis and intestinal rupture complicated with 24 hours-last acute peritonitis. group 1 – small intestine damage was sutured with a single continuous hand-wound stiches 6–0 (Schmiden’s), which was covered by a single-row Lambert stitches, subgroup 2 – with mechanical suture in the transverse direction by the linear stapler device, than it was covered by a single-row serous Lambert stitches, subgroup 3 – an everted mechanical seam was applied in the transverse direction, which was covered with a patch of cryopreserved amniotic membrane. The experimental animals were crucified after intestinai rupture suturing on the 7th, 14th and 30th days. According to growth of fibrous tissue, both in the joint zone and outside it, tendency to abdominal adhesions it turned out, that proposed method reduces adhesions formation intensity in abdominal cavity.
61-70 541
The aim of the study was to establish the features of the cellular immunity and the expression of CCR5 and CXCR4 by T-lymphocytes of blood during the AIDS development in HIV-infected patients depending on the viral tropism. The examined patients were divided in two groups: the 1st group – 34 patients infected by R5 tropic HIV; the 2nd group – 19 patients infected by non R5 tropic HIV. The control group consisted of 16 health persons (3 men, 13 females, the average was 32.5 ± 15.1 years). AIDS was established in patients with the 4th stage of HIV infection (WHO, 2012) and/or at the level of CD4+ T-lymphocytes less than 200 cells/mkl. The immunophenotype of cells was detected by the flow cytofluorometry. Monoclonal antibodies “Becton Dickenson” (USA) were used. HIV tropism was detected by “Amplisens HIV-Resist-Seq” reagents (Russia), FPR = 20 %. The obtained results show that the switching of HIV tropism was associated with immunosuppression enhancement due to a significant decrease of B-lymphocytes in patients without AIDS and T-lymphocytes in patients with AIDS. Patients infected by R5 HIV without antiretroviral therapy had a significantly higher level of cytotoxic Т-lymphocytes in comparison with those infected by non R5 HIV. The development of AIDS in patients with R5 HIV infection was associated with a significant decrease in Т-lymphocytes, T-helpers, activated T-helpers and with an increase in the expression of HLA-DR by T-helpers. The development of AIDS in patients with non R5 HIV infection was associated with a decrease in the CXCR4 expression by blood lymphocytes, CCR5 expression by T-helpers, enhanced T-cell immunity activation due to a higher expression of HLA-DR by blood lymphocytes and Т-lymphocytes, a higher intensity of HLA-DR expression by T-helpers, an increase in the HLA-DR expression by CD8+ lymphocytes, a decrease in the CD4+CD25+ content.
71-77 410
In order to assess the degree of the stable emotional stress influence on the secretory activity of adipose tissue, the level of adipose tissue hormones – leptin, adiponectin, and visfatin were analyzed in the blood serum of rats with obesity. It was shown that a decrease in the leptin level on the background of chronic stress can be a factor that causes the eating disorder, and the visfatin level does not depend on the adipose tissue amount only. Also, we can suggest that chronic stress on the background of obesity accelerates the development of insulin resistance.
78-88 362
The article provides the data on the concentrations of factors of growth, angiogenesis, intercellular adhesion and their receptors (VEGF, EGF, FGF, TNF-α, sICAM, sPECAM, endostatin, р55, р185) in body fluids of stage I–IV bladder cancer patients. 945 cancer patients and 120 clinically healthy individuals were included in the study. Bladder cancer was morphologically verified in all cases. The above-mentioned laboratory indices were evaluated by immunoassay before the beginning of examination or treatment. Results were analyzed using nonparametric statistics. Informative indices for preoperative assessment of tumor invasion (sICAM, VEGF, sPECAM, р55, р185, FGF), the number of tumor foci (р185, sICAM, р55, FGF, TNF-α) and tumor grade (VEGF, р55, sPECAM, sICAM, р185, endostatin) were identified. ROC curves were plotted and AUCs were calculated to assess the diagnostic value of the indices. The sensitivity and specificity of all indices were evaluated.
E. Povelitsa,
N. Serdjuchenko,
N. Dosta,
E. Vaschenko,
A. Malkov,
O. Parhomenko,
V. Domantsevich,
D. Nitkin,
A. Shesternya
89-103 522
Erectile disorders in men with diabetes mellitus (DM) in combination with autonomic neuropathy are diagnosed and rehabilitation methods of patients with erectile dysfunction (ED) are detected. Thirty patients with DM were examined (15 patients with diabetes mellitus type 1 and 15 patients with diabetes mellitus type 2 respectively). Patients with DM had ED mainly of severe form (IIEF-5 from 6 to 16 points). According to the examination results, the patients were assigned conservative therapy, including phosphodiesterase inhibitors of type V, anticholinesterase drugs, thioctic acid drugs. Conservative therapy was combined with shock wave therapy in the area of the penis. The comparison group consisted of 15 healthy men (volunteers) without ED signs (IIEF-5 21–22 points). The immune-enzyme analysis was used for detection of sex hormone status. Ultrasound, dopplergraphic and X-ray methods were used for conduction of angiography of pool vessels of internal pudendal artery (IPA). Electroneuromyography of penis nerves was made. According to the obtained results, patients with DM were diagnosed with cavernous fibrosis, angiosclerosis of IPA and penis vessels in 100% of cases. Axonopathy of motor and sensory penis nerves was detected in 100 % of cases; stenosis and occlusion changes in IPA were detected in 42.9 % of cases causing disorder and insufficiency in arterial perfusion in the IPA pool. Denervation changes in sensory and motor penis nerves and hemodynamicly significant perfusion disorders in the IPA pool were the principal pathogenetic ED factors in patients with DM. A decrease of the IPA reaction to the pharmological stimulation was noted in patients with DM, which was caused by angiosclerosis and arterial wall elasticity loss. The inefficiency of conservative therapy in patients with DM and severe ED was revealed.
104-116 536
Arginine-vasopressin comprises an intriguing peptide hormone having a number of additional effects. It influences the efficiency of training and resistance against stress factors. This work reports the results for the influence of the synthetic analog of the arginine-vasopressin fragment, Ac-D-SPRG on the rat training. A given substance mimics a natural tetrapeptide which results from endogenous lysis of arginine-vasopressin. To make this tetrapeptide more stable in physiological conditions, D-serine was introduced in its sequence. The work was carried out on mature male non-linear rats. The substance appeared to have no influence on the training with positive food reinforcement. In a passive avoidance conditioned reaction test, a substance under test had a positive action in high doses. The most significant effect was recorded in a test of a conditioned reaction of active avoidance of pain stimulus. The main target of the analog action is the reaction to a conditioned sound signal. We concluded that the tested analog improves the animal training with regard to exact, differentiated and expressed conditioned stimulus.
117-120 396
Diagnosis of maxillofacial area diseases is based on the use of subjective and objective research methods. In particular, the history of diseases of the maxillary sinus of the odontogenic origin is important at the stage of differential diagnosis. The aim of the study was to investigate the possibility of applying a subjective assessment of the condition of patients after a radical surgical treatment of odontogenic diseases of the maxillary sinus on the basis of various questionnaires: the index “Profile of the influence of dental health” OHIP-49 (G. Slade, J. Spenser, 1994), a questionnaire prediction development of complications of odontogenic sinusitis (G.A. Poberezhnik, 2014) and the questionnaire developed by us. The long-term results of a radical operation on the maxillary sinus using the Caldwell–Luke method indicated that 70 % of the examined patients had no improvement after two years or more. There were complaints typical of the clinical picture of exacerbation of chronic odontogenic sinusitis, in particular, one-sided stuffiness of the nose with serous or purulent discharge, a feeling of heaviness and discomfort, a pain in the projection of the sinus of the upper jaw. The index of OHIP-49 revealed a decrease in the life quality on average by 24 %, but this method is not specific for surgical pathology of the maxillofacial area. When predicting the development of complications of odontogenic sinusitis using a questionnaire of G.A. Poberezhnik, a high risk of recurrence is established in 82.5 % of cases. According to the questionnaire developed by us, the risk of developing the disease was revealed in 47.5 % of studies, minor functional abnormalities were detected in 27.5 % of patients, mean – in 12.5 %. The proposed method of subjective examination of patients with chronic odontogenic pathological processes of the maxillary sinus is more sensitive and allows obtaining predictive results. Questioning as a way of getting additional information in combination with clinical examination data allows one to identify patients at risk of recurrence of maxillary sinus diseases of the odontogenic origin at the stages of examination and dynamic observation after treatment.
121-126 464
The rates of synonymous mutations in Adenomatous polyposis coli (APC) gene varies greatly among different species of animals. APC genes of rodents had been under the influence of mutational GC-pressure that changed its direction to AT-pressure during a more recent period of time. As a result, the probability of synonymous mutation occurrence in the APC gene of rodents is significantly higher than in the homologous human gene. Rodents cannot be considered to be a reliable model for study of colorectal cancer, unlike monkeys.
ISSN 1814-6023 (Print)
ISSN 2524-2350 (Online)
ISSN 2524-2350 (Online)