No 1 (2014)
4-11 345
Volumetric and kinetic characteristics of embryonic tumors were studied following an initial ultrasound diagnosis of malignant neoplasms (MN) of 109 children of both sexes at the age of 1-366 days. Analysis was made of the data for children with morphologically confirmed diagnosis of the nephroblastoma (n = 31), retroperitoneal neuroblastoma, neuroblastoma adrenal (n = 58), and hepatoblastoma (n = 20). Nonlinear models were built using the Gompertz function and the exponential functions describing the tumor growth. The comparative analysis showed that the data are more exactly approximated by of the S-shaped relationship. According to the results of statistical calculations and mathematical modeling, the patient age and the time of realizing the tumor metastatic potential were synchronized. The estimated age period suggests the possibility of early visualization of MN in the first four months of life in much smaller quantities that are actually diagnosed.
12-18 356
The theoretical fundamentals of indicators of the elastic properties of the arteries are worked out, their classification by extensibility codes and elasticity parameters is proposed, their normative values for the common carotid artery are determined.
19-24 390
The process of studying the structure of dentin showed that the dentinal tubules penetrate the entire dentin thickness and occupy up to 30 % of the coronal portion. On the cross-sections they are oval in shape with smooth or jagged edges because of the processes of de-and remineralization which involve peritubular dentin. In the study of the micromorphology of the dentin of the tooth under the artificial crown, in 75 % of cases the zones of "dark" and "enlightened" dentin (the hypermine-ralization processes are predominant) and in 15 % of cases the broad band of "light" (mainly the demineralization processes are predominant) are observed. The study of the micromorphological pattern of carious lesions under the artificial crown revealed the area of focal hypermineralization dentinal tubules in 35 % of cases, the area of focal demineralization in 20 % of cases, and the combination of the zones of hypermineralization and demineralization in 45 % of cases. The study of macro-morphology of caries found that the carious process often occurred with a combined lesion of the coronal, cervical, and root areas (58.5 %). It was revealed that the main feature of caries in teeth under artificial crowns was the presence of slit-shaped cavities, "destruction on a plane without clearly defined boundaries of cavities", recurrent caries.
Features of the functional state of supraspinal structures in patients with scoliosis of IV severity
25-31 318
The results of the electrophysiological study (by somatosensory evoked potentials, visual evoked potentials, transcranial magnetic stimulation) in 50 patients with scoliosis of IV severity before and after surgical treatment have been analyzed. A variety of abnormal electrophysiological parameters of the functional state of the neuronal structures outside the area of the main curvature of the spine have been identified.
32-37 422
It was established that the iodine-containing thyroid hormones enhance the motor activity of animals and their resistance to physical load under stress.
38-45 329
The receptor status of a tumor (estrogen receptor, progesterone receptor and HER-2), indicators of intratumoral immunity (CD3, CD8, HLA-DR) and indicators of cell cycle (p53, Cyclin D1) was estimated by immunohistochemistry for 41 patients with breast cancer. The reliable positive correlation was found between the expression of estrogen receptors, the stromal expression of HLA-DR, the negative relationship with the expression of p53 tumor cells, and the age of breast cancer. A direct statistically significant correlation was established between the length of the period without recurrence in patients with the intensity of the HER-2 expression and an indirect correlation - with the degree of the intratumoral lymphoid infiltration. A negative correlation was revealed between the expression of HLA-DR and the life span of patients with breast cancer. In patients with metastasis at the regional lymph nodes, a low nuclear expression of Cyclin D1 and a large percentage of tumor cells stained for p53 are detected.
L. V. Pozdniak,
M. V. Chernov,
V. N. Kalunov,
S. G. Pashkevich,
A. V. Kletskov,
S. K. Petkevich,
V. I. Potkin
46-51 322
In experiments on Ehrlich's ascitic carcinoma cell culture in mice tumor-bearers, the cytotoxic action of 4.5-dichlori-zothiazol-3-carboxylic acid (DTCA), cisplatin, and their combination on the mitogenic activity, the cell death (in vitro), the tumor mass, and the life span of animals (in vivo) has been studied. It is established that DTCA has a minor (in vitro) and mild (in vivo) antitumoral effect. The combination of a heterocyclic compound and a chemotherapeutic agent in a ten-fold decreased dose diminishes the expressed cytostatic effects in the concentrations adequate to the clinical ones but does not intensify them.
Clinical course of epidural hematoma with isolated traumatic brain injury and its surgical treatment
52-56 363
The peculiarities of the clinical course of epidural hematoma (EH) with isolated traumatic brain injury (TBI) are studied and new approaches for improving EH outcomes in the surgical treatment are developed. The retrospective analysis was performed. 188 medical records of patients with isolated traumatic brain injury (ITBI), who were operated in various hospitals of the Republic of Armenia, were studied. EH's were detected in 83 patients. The patients with ITBI were often operated because of EH. Most of them are the persons of working age. EH has a relatively favorable clinical course: the majority of patients were hospitalized at the stage of sub-compensation of the clinical course of TBI. EH may develop in patients with depressed skull fractures that can be determined by CT scan. The reception of patients at the stage of rough decompensation, the lack of treatment in the pre-hospital period, a diagnostic error, the delay in operation, the hospitalization later than one day after the head injury had a negative effect on the surgical treatment. The patient with ITBI should be examined by CT scan and operated during the first hours after his reception, if EH would have been detected by CT scan. CT dynamic monitoring should be arranged in the pre-operative period during 10-12 h, if suba-rachnoid hemorrhage or meningeal hematoma was detected at the primary CT scan. In the post-operative period, the intensive therapy should significantly reduce the possibility of cerebral and extracerebral complications.
57-62 338
Comprehensive research of the influence of the course of use of intravascular laser irradiation of blood on the erythron of patients with ischemic heart disease is conducted. The erythron changes accompanied by the modification of membranes and the renewal of the cellular population of red blood cells of peripheral blood are detected.
63-68 395
The experiment with 48 (15-, 45- and 90-day) rat pups using the histological, morphometrical, and statistical investigation methods has shown that the rats, which have developed in the conditions of maternal experimental obturational cholestasis, have a delay in the development of the mucosal membrane structures in the rat's duodenal accompanied by increasing the number and functional activity of tissue basophils in comparison to the control. The last fact points to their participation in the development of adaptive and compensatory mechanisms in response to endogenous intoxication with cholestasis products, as well as the increased functional activity of the organ due to the transition from milk to definitive food.
T. M. Doroshenko,
S. T. Akalovich,
V. A. Bakerava,
E. N. Avtonomova,
T. V. Shman,
Y. E. Mareika,
A. S. Nevmerzhitskaya,
N. V. Minakovskaya,
M. V. Belevtsev,
O. V. Aleinikova,
N. N. Voitenok
69-74 340
We investigated a diagnostic value of plasma levels of soluble tumor necrosis factor receptor-1 (sTNFR1) and interleukin-8 (IL-8) in children after the hemopoietic stem cell transplantation as biomarkers for acute graft-versus-host disease (GVHD). The results showed that the level IL-8 had no diagnostic value for acute GVHD. We identified that the plasma level of sTNFR1 in patients with acute GVHD increased more than twice as compared to the level before conditioning (р = 0.0005), while in patients without GVHD the level of sTNFR1 did not change significantly. The definition of sTNFR1 can be used for the clinical management of patients undergoing the hemopoietic stem cell transplantation to confirm the diagnosis of acute GVHD.
75-80 329
The retrospective analysis of the interrelation between the data of the clinical status of children with acute lymphoblastic leukemia and the microorganisms, which have been revealed in the tested biological samples, has been carried out. Microorganisms-activators of infectious diseases are not the reason for the development of skin defects and mucous membranes in the basic treatment. The development of pathological processes on the mucous membranes of the digestive tract is not directly connected with the etiological role of the conditional-pathogenic microorganisms colonizing the loci (mouth, intestines) and also with the presence of leucopenia and fevers during this period. The risk of developing the inflammation of external genitals is associated with the invasion of the mucous membranes of P. aeruginosa, especially at granulopenia.
81-86 334
It is shown that during laser hemotheraphy the body reaction of patients with compression ischemic neuropathy manifests itself in the changes of the functional state of the central nervous system. The analysis of the electroencephalograms of different patients has shown that the changes in the functional state of the central nervous system of patients can be analyzed in dynamics and characterized quantitatively using parameters the correlation dimension and the Kolmogorov entropy, which enables one to assess the treatment efficiency. The results obtained by the delayed coordinate method support the improvement of the brain processes of patients with compression ischemic neuropathy.
87-90 367
The aim is to study the peculiarities of the clinical course and to identify factors influencing the surgery outcomes of isolated traumatic intracranial multiple hematoma. The retrospective analysis was performed. 188 medical records of patients with isolated traumatic brain injury (ITBI), who were operated in various hospitals of the Republic of Armenia, were studied. Intracranial multiple hematoma (IMH) had two components located directly one above another in two different intracranial spaces - epidural, subdural or intracerebral. It was detected in 16 patients. Conclusions: The surgery of isolated traumatic intracranial multiple hematoma is rare. The clinical course of IMH is most severe in elderly patients. CT scan detects IMH in less than 50 % of cases. IMH is detected during the operation in most of the cases. There are many factors negatively affecting the IMH outcomes. These are the severe state of patients (different stages of clinical decompensation), cardiovascular diseases, the lack of therapeutic treatment in the pre-hospital period, the operation performed with a delay of 2 hours after the patient's reception, the intracerebral component of IMH, the cerebral and extracerebral complications, in particular, encepha-lomalacia and pulmonary complications.
91-100 389
This article reviews the data on leptin and the molecular mechanisms of its action. The role of leptin in the neuroendocrine response to fasting, in the regulation of hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal and hypothalamic-pituitary-thyroid axes, as well as the effects of this peptide on "hypothalamus-pituitary-growth hormone" and "hypothalamus-pituitary-adrenals" systems has been summarized. The interaction between the leptin and insulin signaling pathways and the tasks related to the leptin resistance have been discussed.
101-110 397
Today the problem of prostate cancer takes the leading place in the structure of mortality from malignant neoplasms, but only for a few of patients this disease is the direct cause of the death. The oncological aspect of the urology is the inability to distinguish those patients with prostate cancer that will occur latently for many years and sometimes for the whole life. This review gives the meta-analysis of the publications devoted to the study of risk factors and comorbid conditions in patients with prostate cancer, which can be used in practice to organize risk groups with a subsequent diagnosis of the malignant process at the early stages of the disease, and to study their impact on the development of latent or aggressive forms of prostate cancer.
111-123 458
The sequencing of the human genome has become a major event in the development of biomedicine that opened real perspectives for the creation of new biotechnologies to be used in clinical practice and for the preparation of new-generation drugs with their precisely defined impact on the functioning of cells, tissues, and the whole organism. There appeared the favorable conditions for the development of extensive studies of embryonic and induced pluripotent stem cells and different technologies for reprogramming human adult cells and their practical use in regenerative medicine. This promising area of bio-medical research is in rapid progress and is widely supported. Now the problems of safety, morals, and ethics are not yet completely solved, but their awareness allows one to hope for success in overcoming possible obstacles in the future.
ISSN 1814-6023 (Print)
ISSN 2524-2350 (Online)
ISSN 2524-2350 (Online)