
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, Medical series

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No 1 (2016)


4-10 739
We analyzed the primary medical documentation of 192 patients with the established in 2009-2013 diagnosis "breast cancer stage cT4N0-3M0". There were statistically significant differences in overall and progression-free survival depending on both the degree of involved regional lymph nodes (cN0-2 vs cN3) and the use of surgery and radiotherapy (p < 0.05). Statistically significant differences in progression-free (p = 0.022), but not in overall survival (p = 0.971) according to use/no use of neoadjuvant chemotherapy were identified. The objective response to neoadjuvant chemotherapy with the inclusion of anthracycline was influenced by the hormone-receptor status, as well as by the molecular genetic subtype (p < 0.05), but not by the histologic characteristics of the tumor (p > 0.05).
11-16 409
The main aim of this project was to reveal the primary morbidity of low-energy proximal femur fractures in women aged 50 years and older living in the Gomel region (Republic of Belarus). There was observed a difference between the primary morbidity of hospitalized patients and of patients who received treatment at home. Often women aged 80 years and older with fractures had treatment two times more at home than in hospitals. Real primary morbidity of proximal femur fractures should be calculated not only for hospitalized patents, but also for patients at home.
17-24 436
The mathematical models, which allow estimating pressure losses in the internal carotid artery at pathological tortuosity of type C, S and kinking (in the classification of Weibel, Fields), have been developed. Models can be used for determination of the hemodynamic importance of the specified pathologies and for treatment tactics choice.
25-29 673
The protective properties of the two drugs (medicines) of the group of metabolites on 2-4 day albino mice-suckers, infected with Ebola and Marburg viruses that cause severe hemorrhagic fevers with a high percentage of mortality, are evaluated. High protective properties of the both drugs applied for treatment of experimental infections are revealed. Drugs are recommended for use as a means of providing emergency medical care to patients in hemorrhagic fever Marburg and Ebola in addition to the pathogenetic therapy.
30-38 750
The results of examination of 170 patients with acute myocardial infarction (MI) without previous carbohydrate metabolism disorders are presented in the article. Hyperglycemia in case of MI leads to unfavourable prognostic changes in inflammation and hemostasis parameters. Patient outcomes and homeostasis parameter changes have been revealed depending on the dynamics of glycemia in the acute period of MI.
39-43 525
Biomechanical parameters of the foot were studied in 25 patients aged 7-10 years with bilateral congenital recurrent clubfoot. Five groups of patients were studied depending on the type of deformity. The obtained data of the biomechanical characteristics of congenital recurrent clubfoot in children allowed us to objectively assess the degree of distribution of load on different parts of the foot, to identify the most pathological areas for different types of feet deformity that gave an opportunity to make their appropriate correction.
44-51 424
Our aim was to study the antigen-antibody isoelectric relationships in the AB0 blood system at different pH, considering the nature of antibodies and isotypes of group antigens. The test erythrocytes were subjected to the loading with serum with group-specific antibodies of IgG and IgM classes in the pH gradient, followed by an assessment of the hemolysis. The presence of only acid type of antibodies in the donor's serum led to the hemolysis of erythrocytes with both corresponding antigen isotypes in the acid area of pH from 5.8 to 6.6. On the contrary, the presence of only alkaline corresponding group-specific antibodies in the serum led to the hemolysis of erythrocytes in the alkaline zone of pH at 8.4-8.8. Finally, the use of serum with both alkaline and acid types of antibodies of appropriate specificity determined the absence of the hemolysis while changing the pH medium both to the acid and alkaline zone. Thus, group-specific antibodies of IgM and IgG classes are important in the stabilization of the erythrocyte membrane in the presence of electrostatic imbalance in the membrane itself. The study of blood serum for the appearance of the hemolysis in the alkaline or acid pH medium makes it possible to detect the presence of a complete or incomplete spectrum of antibodies of corresponding specificity, i. e. to identify ANAP and CINAP phenomena in any serological laboratory.
52-58 448
The goal of the study was to evaluate the effects of platelet lysate (PL) and platelet releatase (PR) on human mesenchymal stem cell (MSC) proliferation and apoptosis in vitro. As shown, the content of epidermal growth factor, basic fibroblast growth factor, but not transforming growth factor-β1 was 3 to 9 times higher in PL when compared to PR. The MSC proliferation in vitro for 7 days was equally increased 5 to 7 times by PL and PR generated at a platelet concentration of 5∙109 per ml. The PL/PR-mediated favourable effect on the MSC proliferation was potentiated by the presence of 5 % human AB serum when compared to 10 % fetal calf serum in the vulture medium. Both PL and PR generated at a platelet concentration of 10∙109 per ml decreased 2 to 4 times the level of early and late apoptotic cells after MSC culturing for 5 days. Generally, we concluded that PL and PR preparations are equal to potentiate the MSC growth in vitro for biotechnological purposes.
59-64 635
layer of the cortex and an increase in the number of pathological forms of neurons in all research terms. Of particular interest are the shrinkage and the stop of the growth of neurons in the cortex after 10 days of the postnatal development.
65-72 444
The electrophysiological state of the myocardium was investigated using the ECG dispersion mapping and the analysis of heart rate variability in patients with well-differentiated thyroid cancer (average age is 30.99 ± 0.49 years) under complex therapy, including levothyroxine suppressive therapy, for more than 10 years. It was shown that the increase in the mean value of the integral index "Myocardium" was higher in the patients in comparison with the control group. It was most expressed in the subgroup of patients with deep thyroid stimulating hormone suppression (TSH < 0.1 mlU/l). Abnormalities of heart rate variability were not only due to the influence of levothyroxine suppressive therapy, but were also dependent on the patient's body weight. Prognostically, unfavorable changes of heart rate variability were most frequently observed in patients with overweight and obesity.
73-77 488
A widespread use of individual amino acids and amino acid-containing preparations in medical practice in the absence of the data on the impact of their intragastric application on the formation of amino acid pool does not allow the development of new medications using this group of compounds. The analysis of the structure of the pool individual concentrations of free amino acids and nitrogen-containing metabolites in the tissues of rats (microbe-tissue complex of small and large intestines, liver, plasma) was carried out after the course of intragastric administration of amino acid-microelement composition containing glutamine, arginine, taurine, and zinc aspartate.
78-85 401
In the experiments on 76 rat pups 15-, 45- and 90-day-old using a complex of morphological and functional methods, it was found that cholestasis of pregnancy inhibits the development of the offspring born from structural and cytochemical properties of the jejunum. The use of experimental female rats of ursodeoxycholic acid (UDCA) reduces the severity of these changes in the offspring in all terms of study.
86-90 462
The state of the haematopoietic system in the male rats of the first generation at ages of 2, 4 and 6 months, obtained from the females irradiated at a dose of 0.5 Gy and unexposed (intact) males, is studied. It is shown that in the experimental animals, the violations of a quantitative composition of leukocyte cell counts, a significant increase of apoptotic lymphocytes in the degradation phase (in animals aged 6 months), the functional activity of bone marrow cells, and a marked intensification of thyroid metabolism are revealed. The changes of the studied parameters, probably due to the instability of genetic structures of gametes of irradiated females manifested in the offspring are established.
91-97 777
We present the results of examination of 158 patients with ST-segment elevation acute coronary syndrome who underwent effective percutaneous coronary intervention. We analyzed certain hemostatic profile parameters (D-dimer, antithrombin III, platelets, fibrinogen), and inflammatory markers (Sp-selectin, matrix metalloproteinase-9) in patients depending on the development of recurrent coronary events and mortality in the acute period of myocardial infarction.
98-109 459
On the basis of our and available literature data, the importance of the mechanisms of oxygen transport and radical-free oxidation of lipids for patients with myocardial infarction in combination with the metabolic syndrome, II type diabetes is analyzed. The metabolic syndrome is associated with hyperleptinemia, the level of which is correlated with indicators of blood oxygen. Evaluation of the mechanisms of oxygen transport in patients with myocardial infarction in combination with the metabolic syndrome, II type diabetes on the 25-60th day from the onset of the disease after therapy allows one to predict the risk of complications of this disease.
110-116 1425
The article presents the results of arthroplasty of 29 patients with III stage coxarthrosis. The peculiarities of the surgical interventions were that in the postoperative period due to concomitant orthopedic pathology (ankylosis of the opposite hip, two-way coxarthrosis with flexion-leading contractions with shortening greater than 4 cm; dysplasia of the upper extremities), patients are forced to use the operated limb. as basic. The reason is the inability to implement the recommendations for sitting at a right angle, loading an operated limb by weight, to use crutches and to exercise the muscles surrounding the hip joint. When classical endoprosthesis with heads having D = 28, 32, 36 mm is employed, because of the instability in the postoperative period the high risk of dislocation is saved. At the same time, the use of a Medacta Versafitcup Double Mobility prosthesis allows achieving the stability of the operated joint and ensuring its long life.


117-128 814
In the context of the development of ways and means to control the redox-dependent processes in the human body, the present article deals with the history of the scientific ideas of Nox2-NADPH oxidase (Е.С., Nox2) - one of the most important biological generator of reactive oxygen species (ROS), the current understanding of the peculiarities of localization and molecular structure of the enzyme complex, the spectrum, and the biological significance of reactive oxygen species generated by its participation.

ISSN 1814-6023 (Print)
ISSN 2524-2350 (Online)