
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, Medical series

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No 3 (2016)
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5-12 448

It has been investigated the state of blood pro- and antioxidant system at patients with different form and duration of the amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS). Diagnosis of ALS were determined by revised El Escorial criteria and Awaji criteria. We assessed the catalase, superoxidedismutase (SOD) activity and products reacting with thiobarbituric acid (TBA-P) concentration of 82 patients and 25 healthy volunteers. It has been shown that patients with the most malignant form of bulbar ALS and shorter than 1 year, recorded a significant increase in the concentration of TBA-P and the decrease in the activity of SOD; in patients with cervical-thoracic form of ALS, and the disease duration from 1 to 4 years revealed the activation of secondary lipid peroxidation processes and a significant reduction in the activity not only of SOD and catalase. A direct correlation between the activity of SOD and functional neurological deficit scale (ALSFRS-R), but only in case of disease duration less than 1 year. It was shown the high diagnostic specificity of the studied the parameters blood pro- antioxidant system in patients with ALS but lower diagnostic sensitivity.

13-19 607

The purpose of this study was to determine changes of levels of blood neutrophil gelatinase- associated lipocalin (NGAL), complement proteins C3 and C4 in children with hemolytic-uremic syndrome (HUS) and to find the relationship between them and factors determining the severity of renal damage. A prospective study included 159 children: 35 in the acute phase of HUS, 124 – after HUS, at least 6 months after discharge from the hospital and 28 healthy children. NGAL was elevated in all children with HUS more pronounced in those who required renal replacement therapy. Activation of the alternative pathway of the complement system in HUS D "+" due to reduced C3 and normal C4 levels was found. The degree of increasing NGAL and decreasing complement C3 has a close correlation with parameters reflecting the severity of renal damage.

20-27 377

The electrophysiological evaluation of the features of the functional state of the spinal cord in 30 patients with fractured L1 vertebra before and after operation was performed. The analysis data of the results of total and stimulating electromyography, transcranial magnetic stimulation and somatosensory evoked potentials allowed one to estimate the degree of the disorder of the spinal cord and its roots in lumbar spine damage.

28-34 402

The expression level of the protein tyrosine phosphatase gene (PRL-3) in the primary tumor and parietal peritoneum of 52 radically operated gastric cancer patients was investigated. The threshold value of PRL-3 to predict the peritoneal dissemination after surgical treatment was defined.

35-42 427

The results of standard and customized wavefront-guided femto-LASIK evaluation in comparable groups formed with propensity score matching method are presented in this article. No statistically significant postoperative difference in achieved refraction, visual acuity and visual life quality improvement was registered, nevertheless customized operation showed lower values of higher- order aberrations induction and amount of patients with vision quality deterioration and physical ocular discomfort occurrence postoperatively. Performing customized femto-LASIK nevertheless did not guarantee 100 % postoperative patient satisfaction with achieved results.

43-46 452

The article shows the deep and diverse ultrastructural changes in the pyramidal neurons of the frontal cortex of rats that correspond to the structural and histochemical disorders revealed at the light-optical level. The revealed structural changes of the pyramidal neurons of the cerebral cortex may underlie the known irreversible neurological and behavioral disturbances in animals after antenatal alcoholization.

47-56 427

Представлены результаты изучения препаратов поджелудочной железы (ПЖ) 20 оперированных пациентов с хроническим панкреатитом (ХП) с помощью электронной микроскопии. Установлено, что при ХП в ПЖ на клеточном уровне происходит непрерывный процесс некробиоза с вовлечением всех структур железы: протоков, ацинарной ткани, нервов. Выявлено большое количество звездчатых клеток, определяющих развитие фиброза ПЖ. На основании результатов исследования установлено, что причиной прогрессирования перидуктального фиброза может быть стимуляция звездчатых клеток вторичной ишемией ткани ПЖ.

57-64 514

The main goal of this research is to analyze the prognostic significance of molecular genetic changes in case of AML (acute myeloid leukemia) in children treated in the Republic of Belarus under original AML-MM-2000 and AML-MM-2006 protocols. The presence of inv(16) and t(8; 21) in AML is related to a favorable outcome. The survival index among patients with t(1; 11) is comparable to the CBF group, which also allows us to qualify such abnormality as with the favorable prognosis. The risk of relapse among patients with t(10; 11) is higher than among the rest of 11q23 cohort. The presence or the absence of any additional genetic events has a prognostic impact on the clinical outcome for patients with normal karyotype.

65-73 414

Patients operated for thyroid cancer and receiving suppressive therapy with levothyroxine for more than 10 years were examined. The goal is to identify the early signs of the cardiovascular disease. Heart rate variability taking into account the level of calcium in the blood and body mass index was estimated. The most important parameter affecting the cardiovascular system was the level of calcium in the blood; therefore, its normalization was the primary task. Potential unfavorable changes of heart rate variability were described in patients with normal and overweight. The scheme of a medical examination with the minimum required parameters was recommended to identify high-risk groups for the development of cardiovascular diseases.

74-79 384

The effect of short (7 days) and long (90 days) electromagnetic radiation from mobile phone (1800 MHz) on the weight of reproductive organs, the spermatogenesis, the quality and number of epididymal sperms of male rats, who underwent radiation at the sexually immature age, were studied. It was established that on the 1st and 30th days after exposure, significant changes in the considered parameters were revealed, which were more pronounced at short-term radiation. Electromagnetic radiation caused a significant drop in the viability of mature sex cells, which may affect the fertility of animals.

80-85 505

The effects of the C23-derivative of ursodeoxycholic acid (nor-UDCA) in rats with nonalcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH) were studied. NASH was induced by the feeding of a liquid high-fat diet of Lieber-DeCarli for 16 weeks. Rats were daily administered with the derivative of UDCA in a dose of 38.6 mg/kg (equimolar to 40 mg/kg UDCA) by oral gavage for the last 4 weeks. Our study demonstrated that the treatment with nor-UDCA improved the liver steatosis and decreased the inflammation and the NASH-induced lipid peroxidation. The obtained experimental data allow us to make a conclusion that the derivative of UDCA in the same extent with UDCA possessed hepatoprotective properties but it has a more antioxidant potential than a mother compound.

86-92 429

Prenatal exposure to ethanol leads to various structural abnormalities in the developing cerebellum, some of them remain for a long time. The most substantial changes, such as cortex layers thickening, reduction of Purkinje cell count and changes of the cell chromatophilia, take place during the period of differentiation of Purkinje cells and foliation of cerebellum – on the 20th day of postnatal life. To the age of 45 days the histological picture tends to normalize, though some parameters remain abnormal: the area of Purkinje cells decreases and the thickness of the cerebellar cortex remains increased.

93-98 420

The concept of the “biological age” of an artery associated with the rigidity of a vascular wall is introduced and the method of its assessment is offered. In case of the common carotid artery, calculation formulas for definition of the “biological age” are obtained.

99-106 444

The formation of a new pathological vasculature (angiogenesis) is critical for the cancer development, can reflect the behavior of tumors and can be considered as an angiogenesis inhibitors target. The objective of the study was to find differences in the mRNA (messenger ribonucleic acid) expression levels of varied angiogenesis markers in malignant and non- malignant pathological foci. Angiogenesis markers VEGFA (including isoforms of 121, 165, 189), VEGFC, VEGFR-1, VEGFR-2, VEGFR-3, HIF-1α, TF, TFPI-1, TFPI-2, uPA, PAI-1 in pediatric specimens were examined using quantitative reverse transcriptase–polymerase chain reaction (qRTPCR). 62 (39 malignant and 23 nonmalignant samples) from pediatric patients with bone and soft tissues pathology were studied. A significantly higher level of isoforms VEGFA121, VEGFA165 as well as the VEGFA165/VEGFA189 ratio ascertained for malignancies. Other markers expression levels were higher in patients without cancer pathology. Both, the TFPI-2 level and the VEGFA165/VEGFA189 ratio identified upward for localized cancer vs. metastatic forms (P <0.05). According to our knowledge, this is the first study of such angiogenesis markers combination. The demonstrated expression of several angiogenesis factors is not the extraordinary prerogative of neoplasms and may be greater in patients without malignancy. The VEGFA165/VEGFA189 ratio together with the TFPI-2 level distinguished localized and metastatic cancer patients and can be used as a tumor prognostic marker.


107-116 514

Mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) have long been viewed as a promising therapeutic agent for incurable CNS disorders. This review covers therapeutic applications of MSCs induced for a non- conventional neural differentiation. Presented are the data on MSCs neural induction in vitro, lessons from animal models, and very recent results of clinical trials with neurally induced MSCs in Belarus and worldwide in patients suffering from amyotrophic lateral sclerosis and epilepsy

117-125 663

The meta-analysis of prospective studies suggested that heavy alcohol consumption might be associated with an increased risk of metabolic syndrome while very light alcohol consumption seemed to be associated with a reduced risk of metabolic syndrome. Light-to-moderate alcohol consumption decreased the hypertension risk in women and increased the risk in men. Increased uptake of alcohol is related to a statistically significant but quantitatively small increase in the body weight of men. A dual relationship exists between alcohol consumption and diabetes mellitus. Light-to-moderate drinking may be beneficial while heavy drinking is detrimental.

ISSN 1814-6023 (Print)
ISSN 2524-2350 (Online)