
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, Medical series

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No 3 (2014)


4-19 547
The aim of the current research was to assess the clinical and immunological efficacy of dendritic cell (DC)-based adjuvant immunotherapy in patients with Ki-67, p53 and HLA-A2 positive stage II breast cancer. There were 22 patients included in the trials and treated with DC. DCs were obtained from peripheral blood monocytes, primed with four p53 peptides and injected to the patient subcutaneousely for 5 times. Safety and excellent tolerability of DC treatment was shown. In the current investigation the increase of ASC was established in 81.8 ± 8.2 % of patients after the course of immunotherapy. The number of T-regs was decreased with treatment in 77.3 ± 8.9 % of patients. After 3 years of DC-based therapy, relapse-free survival was 95.4 ± 0.3 % in patients treated with DC and only 75.4 ± 1.5 % in patients from the retrospective control group, suggesting the DC efficacy in preventing metastatic breast cancer.
20-26 359
Electromyography, ultrasonography and rheography have been used to evaluate the functional condition of the neuromuscular system and regional blood circulation of lower limbs after surgical treatment of proximal tibia fractures. The advantages of the proposed minimally invasive method of osteosyntesis with the use of original fixation device compared to the traditional methods of open reduction and internal fixation were proved.
27-31 397
3-(2-hydroxyethylthio)-4.6-di-tert-butylcatechol was found to be an inhibitor of mice liver glutathione-S-transferases with the IC50 value of 70 μM. The inhibitory activity on glutathione-S-transferases in vitro was associated with the induction of Nrf2-dependent enzymes in the liver of mice in vivo .
32-37 333
Examination results of 184 patients with acute myocardial infarction with abnormal Q wave formation treated with effective thrombolytic therapy are presented in the article. According to the research clinical peculiarities, laboratory markers of myocardial necrosis, disorders of the system of hemostasis, endothelial function, glycaemia measurements and structure functional characteristics of cardiovascular system in patients with acute myocardial infarction with abnormal Q wave formation complicated by the development of recurrent coronary events have been revealed.
38-44 477
The research results on chondro- and osteoregeneration in the destruction focus in osteochondritis dissecans of the femoral condyles after the application of different type-perforation of the subchondral bone are presented. It was established that the developed methods of deep osteoperforation of the subchondral bone, used in the experimental group of patients, allowed one to cause the stimulation of osteoregeneration processes in the lesion focus of the femoral condyle (index of osteoregeneration constituted +0.1 cm3). In the control group, where the method of non-deep microfracturing of the lesion was applied, the processes of osteoregeneration were not observed, or slightly expressed (index of osteoregeneration constituted -0.2 cm3). The fulfilled research showed that deep tunnelisation of a damaged bone tissue in osteochondritis dissecans of the femoral condyles of the knee joint causes in the lesion well balanced processes of osteoregeneration and chondroregeneration, which contribute the reconstruction of the joint shape. Non-deep microfracturing of the subchondral bone plate leads only to a superficial closure of the destructive focus by a chondrous tissue without the activation of osteoregeneration processes in the damaged femoral condyle.
45-51 348
115 patients with acute coronary syndrome with ST-segment elevation treated with effective thrombolysis were examined using clinical, instrumental, laboratory and statistical methods. The computer program for prediction of the development of rhethrombosis in patients with acute coronary syndrome with ST-segment elevation in the stage of carrying out pharmacologic rheperfusion therapy was generated.
52-56 382
In the article we have analyzed the survival of the patients with severe traumatic brain injury in the acute period depending on S-100 protein and neurospecific enolase levels using neuroprotective therapy. It is proved that early complex therapy with cerakson + actovegin conducted together with dehydration, with the help of L-lysine-aescinate significantly improves the survival of patients with the most severe traumatic brain injury. Furthermore, we have shown that decreasing the level of S-100 protein in the venous samples and CSF indicates a less brain tissue damage in patients who undergo a complex neuroprotective therapy. The level of S-100 protein in venous samples and CSF can be used as a marker for brain tissue destruction in determining the severity of head injury.
57-66 325
Numerous epidemiological studies conducted in different countries, indicate a high prevalence and intensity of inflammatory periodontal disease in adults. Inflammatory changes in the tissues lead to periodontal bone loss, loss of teeth, chewing dysfunction, exacerbate the general condition of patients, which allows us to consider this issue not only medical but also social. A particular problem is chronic generalized periodontitis occurring against the backdrop of somatic pathology. CGP in these patients is characterized by a persistent course, frequent exacerbations due to lower general and local resistance. In patients with somatic and dental status, often there are signs of oral dysbiosis, the species composition of the microflora of the oral cavity and periodontal pockets content changes, the sensitivity of microorganisms to antibiotics and antiseptics varies, local immunity reduces. Literature data and our clinical observations suggest that the use of classical regimens of CGP in such patients, including medical and surgical methods of influence, is not always effective, so a search of new effective treatments using drugs with a complex effect on periodontal tissues is of current interest. This article describes a new integrated method of combined treatment of CGP of patients with somatic pathology using low-intensity laser radiation and probiotics for a better efficiency of treatment of this disease by 30 % compared with the standard treatment.
67-73 412
The experimental study of 23 female rats and their 30 fetuses at the age of 19 days using the morphofunctional research methods followed by the morphometric, cytophotometric and statistical analysis showed that fetuses developing in the conditions of endogenous intoxication cholestasis, experimentally simulated on the 17th day of pregnancy, have a reduced body weight, skin yellowness, a reduced thickness of the bottom wall of the stomach, mainly due to the immaturity of the mucous membranes. The formation of gastric glands and its proper dimples is delayed. In cells of the proper glands and cover epithelia, the activity of LDH (lactatdehydrogenase) increases, the activity of SDH (succinatedehydrogenase) and NADH DH reduces, the proliferation and differentiation of cells are slowing, the intracellular synthetic processes are inhibited as evidenced by a decreased content of glycoproteins in epithelial cells. Oral administration of ursodeoxycholic acid for cholestatic females somewhat negates the above mentioned changes in fetuses.
74-79 390
caused the death of 60 % of hepatocytes in 3 hours in a final concentration of 0.5 %. Natural PGB1 practically did not influence the CCl4 effect. It was revealed that2 prostanoids possessed possible hepatoprotective properties. These compounds are characterized by the presence of methylaminophenyl (КУ-3) or methoxyphenyl (КУ-4) groups in the ω-chain.
80-85 340
The purpose of the research was to clarify the influence of experimental cholestasis of the mother on the liver of the15 day offspring and the possibility of correcting liver violations by ursodeoxycholic acid. This article contains the data on30 inbred albino rats obtained by the histological, histochemical, morphometric and electronic microscopy methods of investigation. It is found that under the influence of maternal cholestasis in the liver of the 15 day offspring hepatocytes sizes reduce, sinusoidal capillaries expand, in the cytoplasm of hepatocytes succinate NADH decreases, the activity of lactate dehydrogenase and acid phosphatase increase, significant ultrastructural disorders (vacuole-like inclusions develop in the nucleos, the number of lysosomes increases, cell-cell contacts are sealed). The preparation of ursodeoxycholic acid partially rebuild the structure and metabolism of hepatocytes.
86-90 412
Comparative study of amino acid balance in tissues of the thymus and spleen in case of acute and chronic poisoning with lead has shown significant differences of the metabolic response. Lead intoxication has resulted into the supply of amino acids (metabolic activation) to splenic lymphocytes, which was observed as single administration of lead acetate as well as its longterm administration.


91-95 440
Globally, there is a steady increase in the incidence of thyroid cancer, mainly due to papillary cancer. There are a lot of factors caused by neoplastic process which determine the outcome of the disease. The main considered factors are age, sex, extrathyroidal tumor expansion, incomplete removal of the tumor, the size of the primary malignancy, peritumoral vascular invasion, the presence of regional and distant metastases, as well as the degree of differentiation of the tumor. To date there is a range of systematic scales: TNM, EORTC, MACIS, AMES, AGES, etc. According to the used prognostic scale risk groups are formed which determine causal and specific survival or risk of dying from cancer in each group. More often unfavorable outcome is possible in patients at high risk who are experiencing adverse morphological variants of papillary thyroid cancer as well as in patients with a massive extrathyroidal tumor expansion and the presence of distant metastases. Patients with intrathyroid tumors diagnosed at a young age, without regional and distant metastases, have positive prognosis, especially against the background of autoimmune thyroiditis.
96-112 558
The accent in the review is made on one of signaling molecules of nervous tissue - dopamine (DA) - and its role in inputoutput relationships in subcortical brain regions. Taking into account the selective death of DA-ergic neurons of mesencephalic Substantia nigra (SN) compact zone in Parkinson’s disease, special attention is paid to peculiarities of electrophysiological characteristics of DA-ergic neurons both in SN (striatonigral dopaminergic system) and ventrotegmental area (VTA, mesolimbic dopaminergic system), their efferent and afferent connections. Differences in DA expression by DA-ergic neurons of SN and VTA in common with glutamate and GABA were marked. The role of afferent signals convergence (input) from (output) glutamate-, GABA-, serotonin-, dopamine-, noradrenalin- and acetylcholinergic neurons of brain stem in DA-ergic neurons functioning was shown. The dependence of transmitted by DA information both from the type of DA-ergic neuron discharge (tonic or phasic) and the type of activated receptors (D1 or D2) was noted. The assumption on the role of DA-ergic neurons of striatum ectopic population increase - as endogenous protective reaction in DA-ergic neurons of SN functioning decrease in Parkinson’s disease - is made.
113-123 361
The paper presents an analytical review of the literature on contemporary trends in the treatment of malignant brain tumor intraoperative chemotherapy, about existing arsenal of chemotherapy drugs, their effectiveness, the methods of delivery, side effects. Perspective directions of use of drugs associated with their local delivery and prolonged effect. Provides information about the drug Gliadel, the only solution in the U.S. and western Europe for intraoperative local chemotherapy neoplasms of the brain: its efficacy, tolerability, and possible side effects. Describes preclinical drug temozolomide on bioresorbable carriers in animals and transplanted cultures of tumor glial cells. The results demonstrate the relative safety and effectiveness of chemotherapy that enables its further advance into clinical practice.

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ISSN 1814-6023 (Print)
ISSN 2524-2350 (Online)