A nonalcoholic fatty liver disease is one of the unfavorable consequences of obesity. However, experimental studies on the mechanisms of this pathology development are being carried out mainly on male rodents, and the data on the development of fatty hepatosis in females are insufficient.
The aim of the study was to investigate the effect of diet-induced obesity and non-drug options for its correction on the morphological liver characteristics and liver metabolic parameters in female Wistar rats. Experiments were conducted on sexually mature female Wistar rats and included the study of morphological and biochemical parameters of the liver functional state in animals kept on standard diet (StD, 16 weeks), on a high-calorie diet (HCD, 16 weeks) when switching to a standard diet (HCD/StD, 8/8 weeks), when the physical activity in the form of treadmill running was included (StD + running, HCD + running and HCD/StD + running, 8/8 weeks).
Long-term use of HCD in female rats caused visceral obesity, liver fatty dystrophy with disruption of organ histoarchitectonics, shifts in hepatic metabolism and increased lipid peroxidation. Correction of diet-induced obesity by switching to StD led to a complete or partial normalization of the studied indices. In the “HCD + running” group, metabolic disorders are often more pronounced than in the “HCD” group. The transition to HCD/StD + running promoted the most complete restoration of metabolism and histostructure of the liver with regeneration signs of the organ.
Thus, an optimal correction of visceral obesity, fatty liver dystrophy and its metabolism is impossible without diet normalization in female Wistar rats. An additional regenerating effect with respect to the liver histostructure is achieved with a combined variant of correction ‒ transition to a balanced diet and moderate physical activity.
The male urethral stricture disease treatment despite all successful achievements and treatment options still remains one of the most actual and complex problems of modern urology. The presence of prolonged urethral strictures complicated with such factors as expressed scared deformation, infection, fistulae, previous unsuccessful urethral interventions, total urethral obliteration require the use of two- or multistage operations. In the light of recent times, the improvement methods dedicated to buccal mucosa graft adaptation assessment and autotransplant microvascularity evaluation are very relevant nowadays. In this study we made an attempt to estimate the dermatoscopy role in objective assessment of buccal mucosa graft microvascular network after two staged substitutive urethroplasty.
The analysis of graft microphotos made in different time periods after urethroplasty allows us to define the main thing. In our point of view, the absence of evaluation changes after 90–120 postoperative days allows us to estimate a correct time for the second stage of urethroplasty-tubularization. stages of microvasculature evolution.
Considering the statement that microvasculature evolution is the evolution of its graft, we think that the correct research direction is to study microangiogenesis stimulation methods.
The results of a comprehensive clinical, radiological and neurophysiological study were analyzed in patients with kyphotic deformity of the thoracic and lumbar spine due to a congenital anomaly of vertebral development in the dynamics of surgical treatment. It has been established that congenital kyphotic spinal deformity is accompanied by vertebromedullary conflict with a high risk of the occurrence and/or worsening of spinal neurological disorders. The study of the data obtained made it possible to evaluate deformation lesions of the spine from the standpoint of qualitative and quantitative severity of pathological changes in the conduction function in the system of nervous tracts of the spinal cord, which was an objective argument in justifying the indications for surgical correction and its methodological implementation, as well as an important neurophysiological criterion for subsequent dynamic monitoring of clinical conditions of a patient.
It was found that the surgical treatment allowed us to improve and subsequently stabilize the functional state of the spinal cord as a consequence of the achieved significant correction of congenital kyphotic spinal deformity.
The state of peri-implantation tissues was analyzed according to cone-beam computed tomography. A modified version of the alveolar index (AIm) is proposed to assess changes in the height of the alveolar ridge in the absence of a tooth and the presence of an implant. It was found that delayed implantation is characterized by more favorable long-term results in comparison with direct implantation.
Fibrosis of parenchymal organs is a common complication of tuberculosis. In a model of BCG-induced inflammation in mice, changes in the metabolism of the extracellular matrix (ECM) of the spleen were demonstrated with the introduction of a liposome-encapsulated dextrazide (LEDZ) containing isoniazid and oxidized dextran.
The mice were divided into 4 groups: 1 – intact animals; 2 – infected mice after a single intravenous injection of BCG vaccine. 6 mo after infection, a solution of LEDZ was administered intraperitoneally to mice of group 3 for 3 mo, and inhaled to mice of group 4. Group 2 mice showed the signs of pronounced spleen fibrosis (increased content of hyaluronan, hydroxyproline fractions) with activation of hyaluronidases, matrix metalloproteinases (MMP), α2-macroglobulin and an increased content of tissue inhibitors of MMP (TIMP-1 and TIMP-2) with respect to group 1 data. In group 3, changesin the structure of proteoglycans were noted (an increase in the content of uronic acids and galactose), a decrease in the content of hyaluronan and free hydroxyproline, an increase in the activity of hyaluronidases. The MMP activity and the TIMP content corresponded to the data of group 2. In group 4, the content of uronic acids and galactose in proteoglycans also increased, but peptide-bound hydroxyproline decreased and the hyaluronan content more noticeably decreased. The activity of all enzymes regulating the ECM metabolism reduced with respect to the data of group 2.
Thus, intraperitoneal administration of LEDZ to infected mice led to activating hyaluronidases, changing the structure of proteoglycans, and decreasing the free hydroxyproline content. Inhalation administration of LEDZ, along with changes in the structure of proteoglycans, reduced the activity of MMP, hyaluronidases, α2-macroglobulin, the content of TIMP-1 and TIMP-2, peptide-bound hydroxyproline. The antifibrotic effect of LEDZ with inhalation administration was manifested in a decrease in peptide-bound hydroxyproline and in a more significant decrease in hyaluronan compared with intraperitoneal administration.
Thus, intraperitoneal administration of LEDZ to infected mice led to activating hyaluronidases, changing the structure of proteoglycans, and decreasing the free hydroxyproline content. Inhalation administration of LEDZ, along with changes in the structure of proteoglycans, reduced the activity of MMP, hyaluronidases, α2-macroglobulin, the content of TIMP-1 and TIMP-2, peptide-bound hydroxyproline. The antifibrotic effect of LEDZ with inhalation administration was manifested in a decrease in peptide-bound hydroxyproline and in a more significant decrease in hyaluronan compared with intraperitoneal administration.
As a result of experimental modeling of the choledochojejunostomy stricture n laboratory animals, the role of specific biomarkers in establishing the causes of excessive scarring of biliodigestive anastomoses was revealed. The proposed model is suitable for studying the phase nature of the pathological process and the pathogenesis of development of the choledochojejunostomy stricture, allowing one to outline ways how to prevent its formation in a clinical setting.
Currently, about million new cases of liver cancer (LC) are being registered annually in the world, causing death in 85 % of patients.
The purpose of the study is to establish the features of changes in biochemical blood parameters in RP against the background of persistence of DNA/RNA viruses.
Patients (n = 247) with morphologically established liver cancer, hepatitis and healthy individuals were examined. The subject of research was the biochemical and molecular biological parameters of DNA/RNA viruses. It was established that the nature of biochemical changes and disorders in patients with liver cancer indicates a simultaneous violation of most physiological functions of parenchymal organs, in which syndromes of cytolysis, cholestasis, immune and autoimmune disorders are simultaneously formed, the main role in which belongs to infectious (DNA/RNA viruses) and oncological processes. The most important biochemical markers in liver cancer are enzymes (AST, ALT, ALP, LDH, alpha-amylase), bilirubin, creatinine, albumin, triglycerides, GGTP, microelements (biogenic – magnesium, phosphorus, calcium). Among the viruses detected during liver cancer, the leading role belongs to viruses verified in tumor tissue, the presence of which causes persistent biochemical changes: VEB and HHV6.
The concentration of free amino acids in the skin of rats in experimental acute allergic contact dermatitis (ACD) was studied. Free AAs were determined by reverse-phase high-performance liquid chromatography. Acute ACD was simulated using 2.4-dinitrochlorobenzene. The levels of asparagic and glutamic acids, valine, leucine, phenylalanine, lysine, and taurine increased and methionine, tyrosine, tryptophan, α-aminobutyric acid and anserine decreased in the rat skin during acute ACD development. An imbalance of amino acid metabolism was expressed in an increase in the ratio of aromatic amino acids/branched-chain amino acids by a decrease in the sum of aromatic amino acids. An increase in the Phe/Tyr ratio may indicate a decrease in the activity of the hydroxylase pathway of phenylalanine metabolism in the rat skin. Only in the skin of rats with acute ACD, the levels of valine, isoleucine and lysine were negatively correlated with the level of blood TNF-1α, which confirms their anti-inflammatory effect.
Histological examination revealed an inflammatory reaction expressed by lymphocytic infiltration of various skin layers (ectoderm, subepidermal layer). Perivascular proliferation of fibroblasts and formation of subepidermal fibrosis were observed in subepithelial sections. The upper layer of the thorny layer was necrotic, the granular layer with necrosis and pronounced karyopiknosis of nuclei was observed. The epidermis thickness increased, infiltration of lymphocytes and segmented neutrophils into epidermis was noted up to the cells of the thorny layer (exocytosis).
The data obtained indicate a significant metabolic imbalance of amino acids in the skin of rats in acute ACD, manifested by depletion of the amino acid pool of aromatic and sulfur-containing amino acids, impaired metabolism of phenylalanine, as well as increased levels of immunogenic amino acids that play a functional role in the regulation of anti-inflammatory, antioxidant system and proliferative activity of immune system cells on the background of a significant inflammatory process.
ISSN 2524-2350 (Online)