About the Authors
N. V. HalinouskayaRussian Federation
Natallia V. Halinouskaya − D. Sc. (Med.), Assistant Professor, Dean of the Faculty.
5, Lange Str., 246000, Gomel.
E. V. Voropaev
Russian Federation
Eygeny V. Voropaev − Ph. D. (Med.), Assistant Professor, Vice rector.
5, Lange Str., 246000, Gomel.
I. A. Cheshik
Russian Federation
Igar A. Cheshik − Ph. D. (Med.), Assistant Professor, Head.
4, Fedyuninskу Str., 246007, Gomel.
A. A. Ivantsou
Russian Federation
Aleh A. Ivantsou − Head.
288, Iljicha Str., 246000, Gomel.
V. V. Asipkina
Russian Federation
Volha V. Asipkina – Head of the Laboratory.
5, Lange Str., 246000, Gomel.
N. M. Halubykh
Russian Federation
Nadjeya M. Halubykh – Head of the Laboratory.
5, Lange Str., 246000, Gomel.
A. E. Kazlou
Russian Federation
Alyaksandar E. Kazlou – Junior researcher.
4, Fedyuninskу Str., 246007, Gomel.
H. A. Kavalenka
Russian Federation
Hanna A. Kavalenka – subordinate.
5, Lange Str., 246000, Gomel.
T. S. Los
Russian Federation
Tatyana S. Los – subordinate.
5, Lange Str., 246000, Gomel.
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For citations:
Halinouskaya N.V., Voropaev E.V., Cheshik I.A., Ivantsou A.A., Asipkina V.V., Halubykh N.M., Kazlou A.E., Kavalenka H.A., Los T.S. TREATMENT OF PATIENTS WITH TRANSIENT IMPAIRMENT OF THE CEREBRAL CIRCULATION. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, Medical series. 2018;15(2):135-145. (In Russ.)