
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, Medical series

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No 4 (2014)


4-8 452
The relationship between the content of oxidized low-density lipoproteins (LDL), the inflammation activity, and subclinical atherosclerosis was studied by the multispiral computed tomography with the screening of coronary calcium and by the ultrasonography of carotid arteries in patients with rheumatoid arthritis (RA). A greater prevalence of atherosclerotic lesions of coronary and carotid arteries was observed in patients with RA treated with methotrexate compared with indicators of age, sex and cardiovascular risk factors in persons without RA predicted by index DAS 28, the level of high-sensitivity C-reactive protein, age and the presence of hypertension. The RA activity can influence the atherosclerosis development through the peroxide modification of LDL.
9-13 349
The opportunities of Ultrasound Imaging when estimating the expressiveness of long dorsal sacroiliac ligament of 35 corpses (between the ages of 37 to 83 years): 24 men (the middle age is 63.0 ± 9.0 years) and 11 women (the middle age is 63.0 ± 9.8 years) are identified. The criteria allowing one to estimate insignificant, moderate, and expressed dystrophic changes are found. The conclusion on the possibility to establish the fact of long dorsal sacroiliac ligament damage and on a more detailed estimation of the expressiveness revealed during Ultrasound Imaging changes is made.
14-19 462
BK virus (BKV) is the infectious cause of polyomavirus-associated nephropathy that leads to the loss of the graft in renal transplant recipients. In this article we describe a construction of recombinant vector pBK-1.2VT that contains two BKV genome fragments significant for virus detection. The resulting vector is recommended as a positive control for quantitative measurement of the BKV DNA content in urine and blood serum by real-time PCR.
20-25 355
A clinical flow of neuroepitelial tumors quite often can be similar with herpetic encephalitis. Such processes proceed like productive inflammation. Thus, the cause could initialize a proliferated cellular reaction. The same process can take place in a herpes simplex virus-contaminated tumor, when herpes simplex virus is in the latent state. The main stage of the cancerogenesis of neuroepitelial tumors is the immortalization of the cells as well as the angiogenesis which could be stimulated by herpes simplex virus.
26-31 421
The indices of the elastic properties of the arteries, considering the heart rate (HR) are developed. Such indices help to correctly compare the estimates of the tensile properties of the vascular wall obtained at various HR. Besides they are important for the analysis of the efficiency of medicinal schemes for correction of the arterial stiffness, whose use has the action of vasodilators and reduces HR.
32-43 357
are ascertained. The expedience of the clinical value of the left ventricle diastolic disorder with respect to the physical activity tolerance in a six-minute walk test is justified.
44-50 420
Renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system (RAAS) gene polymorphisms ( AGT ( Т 174 М ), AGTR 1 (1166 A > С ), CMA 1 (-1903 A > G ), АСЕ ( I / D ), CYP 11 B 2 (-344 С > Т )) and the sympathetic nervous system gene polymorphisms ( ADRB 1 ( Ser 49 Gly , Arg 389 Gly ), ADRB 2 ( Arg 16 Gly , Gln 27 Glu ) were studied in 285 patients with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM) and276 controls. Gender differences in the distribution of the genotype frequency of RAAS gene polymorphisms were found. The frequency of the D allele of the ACE gene was significantly higher and the I allele was seen less in men with HCM com- pared to those of the control group. Women with HCM carrying the TT genotype CYP 11 B 2 gene and the AA genotype CMA 1 gene were significantly fewer compared to women in the control group. The impact of polymorphisms in the sympathetic nervous system on hypertrophic cardiomyopathy was independent of the patient’s sex. The frequency of the AA genotype ( Ser 49 Ser ) ADRB 1 gene was significantly higher, and the frequency of the AG genotype ( Ser 49 Gly ) was lower in patients with HCM compared to controls. The results of our study suggest that modifier genes play a key part in the HCM realization, but their significance is determined by the sex of a patient.
51-57 339
In experiments on 12 white rats it is found that changing the functional state of the dopaminergic system of the brain modifies the effectiveness of monitoring the signal processing from the motor cortex to the effector’s organs. The microinjection of rotenone (500 μg/ml in a volume of 50 nl) into the Substantia nigra area of rats with the reflex avoidance contributes to the extinction of a conditioned reflex. In these animals, after 2.5-3 months the violation of central control of peripheral organs (heart, lungs) is registered. The data obtained are important for justification of early diagnosis methods and a deeper understanding of the concepts of the pathogenesis of diseases caused by the degeneration of dopaminergic neurons of the brain.
58-64 368
New genovariants non-polio enterovirus (NPEV) serotypes ECHO 11, ECHO 30, ECHO 6, Coxsackievirus B3 and A9 caused a morbidity rise in Belarus in 2012-2013. Based on the results of the phylogenetic analysis, most of the revealed NPEV genovariants (ECHO 30, ECHO 6 and Coxsackievirus B3) arose in China during large outbreaks and had highly virulent properties. The obtained results demonstrate the significance of the molecular epidemiological study in the surveillance of enteroviral infection in Belarus.
65-71 847
Based on the study of the influence of iodine-containing thyroid hormones on the serum activity of aspartate and alanine aminotransferases, gamma-glutamyl transferase and on the content of vitamins A, E and C it has been concluded that they stimulate the nonenzymatic component of the antioxidant system under stress of different origin.
72-77 346
We have the priority in using the electron spin resonance (ESR) spectroscopy to measure changes of the serum albumin functionality (DTE) in kidney transplant recipients.We found that the serum albumin functionality grew up in the group of patients with a satisfied kidney function. The medianDTE level was found to be 111 (62.2; 155.6) % in the early postoperative period and to be 144.4 (110.9; 175) % in the late period.Patients with kidney transplant dysfunction had a significant lower level of the serum albumin activity (55.4 (34; 81.1) %). The median value of DTE for patients with acute rejection was found even on a lower level - 91 (65.9; 144.4) % ( p < 0.0001) that can be used as a quick and non-invasive technique to identify the acute rejection.We evaluated the toxic influence of the basic drugs used for kidney transplant rejection prophylactics on the albumin functionality. We found that tacrolimus usage was associated with a less toxic influence. Median DTE was established to be86.35 (54.5; 144.4 % versus 56.4 (37; 83.7) % for cyclosporin A ( р = 0.0024).
78-81 337
The peroxidation state of plasma proteins in rats with diabetes mellitus and arterial hypertension was studied. Data showed that the process of peroxidation of plasma proteins in experimental animals is multidirectional in the studied pathological state. It increases at diabetes mellitus and goes down at arterial hypertension. Thus, the nature of peroxidation of plasma proteins can be one of the early indicators of tissue damage, which justifies a further investigation of the role of free radical modification of proteins in the biochemical mechanisms of the formation and progression of various pathological states such as diabetes mellitus and arterial hypertension, as well as the use of this mechanism in the diagnosis of different organism states.
82-89 434
The investigation of signal transfers under the influence of an oxygen level reduction associated with the purpose of their correction is shown experimentally. Thirty hippocampus slices related to the four week old rats ( n = 10) were made. The increase in the synaptic activity during the registration of the inducted responses and the hippocampus CA1 ultra structure was obtained in the 5-10 min modeling of hypoxia. Further, the enhancement was found to be the result of the perfusion on the background of the L-NAME hypoxic stimulus action (50 µg/ml), while the L-arginine (50 µg/ml) acted as a rapid decrease in the amplitude of inducted responses. The balance recovery of the input-output ratio of hippocampus cell popularity after the inhibition of NO synthase is presented. From the above mentioned data the expediency of inhibition of the excessive NO production correlated with the weakening of oxygen delivery to different parts of brains is evaluated.
90-96 340
The status of the erythrocytes antioxidant system (AOS) and the plasma total antioxidant capacity (TAC) of patients with metabolic syndrome (MS), cerebral infarction. and discirculatory encephalopathy was investigated. We found the opposite changes in enzymes AOS activities (superoxide dismutase, glutathione peroxidase, catalase), a reduced glutathione level in erythrocytes, and a significant increase of plasma peripheral blood TAC of patients with the studied disorders compared to healthy donors. Using the lipophilic fluorescent probes, an increase of the lipid bilayer microviscosity of erythrocyte membranes of patients with MS was revealed. This testifies the changes of the physicochemical state of the cell membrane which probably is the result of lipid metabolism disturbance in the body. Thus, the study revealed the disbalance between antioxidants and prooxidants in red blood cells of patients with MS as a consequence of oxidative stress. The observed changes in the erythrocyte membranes lipid fluidity can be a cause of myocardial circulatory disorders detected with single-photon emission computed tomography.
97-101 377
Prenatal alcohol leads to the development of a number of specific fetus disorders united in the concept of fetal alcohol syndrome (FAS), which is the “spectrum fetus disorders caused by alcohol” (fetal alcohol spectrum disorders, FASD). Antenatal alcoholism causes a decrease in the thickness of the studied departments of the brain cortex, especially the parietal one, reducing the number of neurons of the 5th cortex layer (especially in the parietal cortex), an increase in the content of hyperchromic contracted, hypochromic neurons and cell-shadows in all investigated departments of the cortex.
102-108 346
Volume characteristics of embryonal tumors were studied in the age aspect using the results of ultrasonic diagnosis of malignant neoplasms in 114 children of both sexes at the age of 1-366 days who were sent for examination and treatment to the children’s special oncology departments of the State Establishment “N. N. Aleksandrov Republican Scientific-Practical Center of Oncology and Medical Radiology”, the Republican Scientific-Practical Center of Children’s Oncology, Hematology and Immunology in the period from 1990 to 2014. Children’s data were analyzed together with morphologically confirmed diagnosis of nefroblastoma ( n = 32), retroperitoneal neuroblastoma and adrenal neuroblastoma ( n = 62), hepatoblastoma ( n = 20). In the course of statistical calculations, the age period in the first six months of a sick child was obtained and it included the possibility of visualizing a malignant neoplasms at early stages and at neoplasm volumes that are essentially smaller than actually diagnosed ones.


109-114 365
A scientific overview of the publications on mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) in vitro and their further application for the repair of articular cartilage defects is presented. Consideration is made of various conditions to generate the biocomposition with MSC for clinical use: the degree of MSC differentiation in the chondrogenic direction, most effective scaffolds for MSCs, an optimal cocktail of cytokines and hormones for chondrogenesis in vitro initiating and inducing the synthesis of collagen II and proteoglycans in the cells for the formation of hyaline cartilage.
115-123 366
The method of in vitro diagnostics of allergy based on flow cytometric detection of markers of activation and degranulation is described. Some technical aspects of test application are discussed. Advantages and disadvantages of basophil activation test (BAT) are estimated, emphasizing on the possibility of BAT application in the diagnostics of drug hypersensitivity.

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ISSN 2524-2350 (Online)