Influence of dark deprivation on the morphology of lamellarian bodies and other cell components of epidermis keratinocytes
The aim of this study is to study the effect of dark deprivation on the ultrastructure of epidermal keratinocytes. Electron microscopic evaluation of the status of keratinocytes of the epidermis of the skin of white outbred rats with dark deprivation. For morphometric evaluation of the production capacity of counting the number of granules per 100 μm2. Using the application program ImageScopeM determines the average and equivalent indicators of lamellar bodies (μm), as well as their perimeter (μm); the average area of one section of the lalellar body (μm2); roundness coefficient and average relative electronic number of lamellar bodies.
Electron microscopic analysis of keratinocytes revealed significant changes in their ultrastructure, which are due to the influence of desynchronosis. Maximum transformations were observed in Odland granules (lamellar bodies). Thus, the morphometric assessment revealed changes in the number (increase), their size (decrease), as well as in the distribution of lamellar plaques in them.
With desynchronosis, significant changes in the ultrastructure of keratinocytes are observed. This indicates significant systemic disorders of the epidermis as a whole. In this transformation, there are cells of a special prickly and granular layer, in particular, lamellar bodies.
About the Authors
I. S. SobolevskayaBelarus
Irina S. Sobolevskaya – Ph. D. (Biol.), Associate Professor
27, Frunze Ave., 210023, Vitebsk, Republic of Belarus
O. D. Myadelets
Oleg D. Myadelets – D. Sc. (Med.), Professor, Head of the Department
27, Frunze Ave., 210023, Vitebsk, Republic of Belarus
O. B. Ostrovskaya
Oksana B. Ostrovskaya – Ph. D. (Biol.)
80, Gorki Ave., 230009, Grodno, Republic of Belarus
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For citations:
Sobolevskaya I.S., Myadelets O.D., Ostrovskaya O.B. Influence of dark deprivation on the morphology of lamellarian bodies and other cell components of epidermis keratinocytes. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, Medical series. 2021;18(1):80-88. (In Russ.)