
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, Medical series

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Variability of anterolateral ligament on MRI images – lack of survey standardization or anatomical variants?


The anterolateral ligament is a rotational stabilizer of the knee joint. It is not always clear what we actually see on MRI in the area of anterolateral ligament (ALL).

The aim of the study was to evaluate the ALL variants on MRI images to summarize their common features and differences, and to try to find an explanation for the phenomenon of the ALL variability.

200 series of MRI images of knee joints were analyzed. The presence of the ALL, the number of its layers, the relation to the joint capsule, and other anatomical features were assessed.

The ALL was visualized on MRI at least partially in 88 % of cases. At least partially two-layer structure was detected in 68 % of all 200 MRI series. The wavy appearance of the certain portions of the anterolateral ligament was observed in some normal knee joints without a history of injuries.

Determined that the ALL is a separate anatomical element of the knee joint that has a variable, but in most cases two-layered, anatomical structure and can be detected on MRI in at least 88 % of cases. Axial sections help to identify ALL in complex cases and allow analyzing its anatomy, but adding little in the diagnosis of ALL injury.

About the Authors

O. O. Kostrub
Institute of Traumatology and Orthopedics of the National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine

Oleksandr O. Kostrub – D. Sc. (Med.), Professor, Head of the Department

27, Bulvarno-Kudriavska Str., 01601, Kyiv, Ukraine

V. V. Кotiuk
Institute of Traumatology and Orthopedics of the National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine

Viktor V. Kotiuk ‒ Ph. D. (Med.), Senior Researcher

27, Bulvarno-Kudriavska Str., 01601, Kyiv, Ukraine

Iu. V. Poliachenko
Institute of Traumatology and Orthopedics of the National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine

Iurii V. Poliachenko – D. Sc. (Med.), Professor, Acting Director

27, Bulvarno-Kudriavska Str., 01601, Kyiv, Ukraine

M. A. Gerasimenko
Republican Scientific and Practical Center of Traumatology and Orthopedics

Mikhail A. Gerasimenko – D. Sc. (Med.), Professor, Director

60/4, Kizhevatov Str., 220024, Minsk, Republic of Belarus

R. I. Blonskyi
Institute of Traumatology and Orthopedics of the National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine

Roman I. Blonskyi – D. Sc. (Med.), Leading Researcher

27, Bulvarno-Kudriavska Str., 01601, Kyiv, Ukraine

I. A. Zasadnyuk
Institute of Traumatology and Orthopedics of the National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine

Ivan A. Zasadnyuk – Ph. D. (Med.), Researcher

27, Bulvarno-Kudriavska Str., 01601, Kyiv, Ukraine


For citations:

Kostrub O.O., Кotiuk V.V., Poliachenko I.V., Gerasimenko M.A., Blonskyi R.I., Zasadnyuk I.A. Variability of anterolateral ligament on MRI images – lack of survey standardization or anatomical variants? Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, Medical series. 2021;18(1):58-68.

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ISSN 1814-6023 (Print)
ISSN 2524-2350 (Online)