
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, Medical series

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A comprehensive program of optimization the brain oxygen status in newborns with respiratory disorders based on targeting regional oxygenation


NIRS provides the ability to obtain information about the brain oxygen status non-invasively. Therefore, potentially, this technology can make it possible to correct therapy that affects the blood and oxygen supply to the brain.

The aim of our study was to develop a guideline for a dynamic monitoring of the oxygen status based on regional oxygenation data, as well as an effective therapeutic tool for newborns with respiratory distress.

78 newborns with respiratory disorders were included (37 late preterm and 41 full-term) in this observational cohort study. In addition to a standard cardiorespiratory monitoring, a simultaneous monitoring of abdominal and cerebral oxygenation was performed during the early neonatal period.

The developed treatment guideline was based on a multisystem approach in diagnosis and optimization of the brain oxygen delivery and consumption. The proposed algorithm focused on maintaining an adequate perfusion pressure, cardiac output, oxygen, and carbon dioxide content in the arterial blood in newborns with respiratory disorders.

Implementing the developed treatment guideline in the neonatal intensive care units should increase the treatment effectiveness in newborns with respiratory disorders.

Implementation developed treatment guideline in the neonatal intensive care units should increase the effectiveness of treatment in newborns with respiratory disorders.

About the Authors

D. N. Sankovets
National Scientific Practical Centre “Mother and Child”

Dzmitry N. Sankovets – Anesthesiologist-intensivist

66, Orlovskaya Str., 220053, Minsk, Republic of Belarus

T. V. Gnedko
National Academy of Sciences of Belarus

Tatyana V. Gnedko – Ph. D. (Med.), Associate Professor, Deputy Academic Secretary of the Department of Medical Sciences

66, Nezavisimosti Ave., 220072, Minsk, Republic of Belarus

A. M. Vitushka
National Scientific Practical Centre “Mother and Child”

Andrey M. Vitushka – Ph. D. (Med.), Anesthesiologistintensivist

66, Orlovskaya Str., 220053, Minsk, Republic of Belarus

O. Ja. Svirskaya
National Scientific Practical Centre “Mother and Child”

Oksana Ja. Svirskaya – Ph. D. (Med.), Anesthesiologistintensivist,
Head of the Department

66, Orlovskaya Str., 220053, Minsk, Republic of Belarus


For citations:

Sankovets D.N., Gnedko T.V., Vitushka A.M., Svirskaya O.J. A comprehensive program of optimization the brain oxygen status in newborns with respiratory disorders based on targeting regional oxygenation. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, Medical series. 2021;18(1):16-24.

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ISSN 1814-6023 (Print)
ISSN 2524-2350 (Online)