
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, Medical series

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Role of calcitriol in modulating of placental dysfunction in pregnant women with chronic kidney disease


The pleiotropic effects of vitamin D (VD), whose active form is synthesized in the kidneys, play a certain role both in forming and functioning the feto-placental system, including various pregnancy complications. The aim of the study was to evaluate the vitamin D status in pregnant women with placental dysfunction (PD) and chronic inflammatory kidney disease (CIKD). During 24–34 pregnancy weeks, 56 pregnant women with PD were examined (main group ‒ I); 24 patients (42.85 %) had chronic pyelonephritis (group IA). The control group (group II) had 31 conditionally healthy pregnant women. The total VD level in the blood was determined by ELISA; in addition to the general clinical standard examination, the urine also underwent bacteriological examination. The VD mean level in pregnant women with PD and CIKD was significantly lower than that in the control group (31.08 ± 7.2 and 45.42 ± 9.67 ng/ml (p <0.01)). Only 33.33 % of pregnant women in group IA had a VD optimum, as well as 93.55 % (p < 0.01) in the control group and 17.86 % in group I. 8.33 % of pregnant women had a VD deficiency in group IA (RR = 2.09; CI 95 % ‒ 1.8‒2.42). The patients with a VD-deficiency were absent in the control group. 58.33 % of women in group ІА had a suboptimal VD level and 6.45% in the control group (RR = 3.57; CI 95 % ‒ 1.62‒7.88). Bacteriuria was observed in all pregnant women with a VD-deficient or suboptimal level. At the optimum VD level, bacteriuria was diagnosed twice less (χ2 = 66.67; p <0.01). In patients with an inadequate VD level, CIKD was diagnosed 3.8 times more (RR = 3.57; CI 95 % ‒ 1.62‒7.88). 494 Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus. Medical series, 2020, vol. 17, no. 4, pp. 493–499 A significantly calcitriol reduction in pregnant women with placental dysfunction suggests that the deficiency or the suboptimal level of vitamin D and inflammatory kidney diseases may be the interdependent processes that play a decisive role in the formation of placental dysfunction.

About the Authors

G. S. Manasova
Odessa National Medical University

Gulsym S. Manasova ‒ D. Sc. (Med.), Professor

28, Marshal Govorov Str., 65009

N. V. Didenkul
Odessa National Medical University

Natalia V. Didenkul ‒ Postgraduate student

28, Marshal Govorov Str., 65009

L. V. Mnich
Odessa National Medical University

Ljudmila V. Mnich ‒ Ph. D. (Med.), Assistant Professor

28, Marshal Govorov Str., 65009

Z. V. Chumak
Odessa National Medical University

Zinaida V. Chumak ‒ Ph. D. (Med.)

28, Marshal Govorov Str., 65009

N. V. Kuzmin
Odessa National Medical University

Natalia V. Kuzmin ‒ Postgraduate student

28, Marshal Govorov Str., 65009


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For citations:

Manasova G.S., Didenkul N.V., Mnich L.V., Chumak Z.V., Kuzmin N.V. Role of calcitriol in modulating of placental dysfunction in pregnant women with chronic kidney disease. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, Medical series. 2020;17(4):493-499. (In Russ.)

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