
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, Medical series

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Prognostic importance of the indicators of the cell cycle and the factors of the intratumoral response at breast cancer


The receptor status of a tumor (estrogen receptor, progesterone receptor and HER-2), indicators of intratumoral immunity (CD3, CD8, HLA-DR) and indicators of cell cycle (p53, Cyclin D1) was estimated by immunohistochemistry for 41 patients with breast cancer. The reliable positive correlation was found between the expression of estrogen receptors, the stromal expression of HLA-DR, the negative relationship with the expression of p53 tumor cells, and the age of breast cancer. A direct statistically significant correlation was established between the length of the period without recurrence in patients with the intensity of the HER-2 expression and an indirect correlation - with the degree of the intratumoral lymphoid infiltration. A negative correlation was revealed between the expression of HLA-DR and the life span of patients with breast cancer. In patients with metastasis at the regional lymph nodes, a low nuclear expression of Cyclin D1 and a large percentage of tumor cells stained for p53 are detected.

About the Authors

S. A. Lyalikov
Гродненский государственный медицинский университет

I. A. Kurstak
Гродненский государственный медицинский университет

O. E. Kuznetsov
Гродненская областная клиническая больница

V. V. Tsitko
Гродненская областная клиническая больница

A. V. Shulga
Гродненский государственный медицинский университет


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For citations:

Lyalikov S.A., Kurstak I.A., Kuznetsov O.E., Tsitko V.V., Shulga A.V. Prognostic importance of the indicators of the cell cycle and the factors of the intratumoral response at breast cancer. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, Medical series. 2014;(1):38-45. (In Russ.)

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