
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, Medical series

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Clinical study of the efficacy of low molecular weight sodium hyaluronate in complex treatment of corneal graft disease


The results of corneal graft disease treatment using low molecular weight sodium hyaluronate are presented.

The study included 19 patients (20 eyes) aged 24 to 87 years, who developed graft disease after keratoplasty because of chronic dystrophic corneal diseases. The severity of symptoms during treatment was evaluated weekly during the course of therapy using the OSDI (Ocular Surface Disease Index). To assess the dynamics of objective signs of Dry eye disease in dynamics, visometry, biomicroscopy, Schirmer’s test and LIPCOF test were performed weekly before the next injection. A follow-up study was carried out a week after the last injection, with a 1-year dynamic observation following the treatment.

Changes in objective indicators of the anterior eye surface were characterized by positive dynamics during therapy. The Schirmer test (p < 0.00001) increased most rapidly and significantly with a lasting effect for a month, demonstrating a beneficial therapeutic effect on both the aqueous and mucinous layer of the tear film. A decrease in the OSDI index was noted after the first injection and decreased progressively during the course of treatment and after its completion up to one month after the last injection (p < 0.00001).

About the Author

G. R. Semak
Belarusian State Medical University

Galina R. Semak – Ph. D. (Med.), Assistant Professor

83, Dzerzhinski Ave., 220116


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For citations:

Semak G.R. Clinical study of the efficacy of low molecular weight sodium hyaluronate in complex treatment of corneal graft disease. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, Medical series. 2020;17(2):170-177.

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