Influence of the endothelial cells on the erythroid differentiation of umbilical cord blood hematopoietic stem cells in vitro
The objective is to study the effect of umbilical cord blood endothelial cells on the hematopoietic cells growth and the maturation in the erythroid direction in co-culture, as well as the expression of adult and fetal hemoglobin genes during erythroid differentiation under the conditions of vascular niche modeling in vitro. We used the following research methods: cultural, flow cytometry, real-time PCR and morphological analysis. We have developed the method of hematopoietic cord blood stem cells erythroid differentiation in co-culture using cord blood endothelial cell progenitors. CD34+CD31+CD144+CD105+CD90–CD45– progenitors of endothelial cells stimulate the erythroid differentiation of hematopoietic CD34+ cord blood cells and the growth of erythroid progenitors in co-culture from the 4th to 11th day in the presence of the stem cell factor, the erythropoietin and the fibroblast growth factor-2. The in vitro modeling of the vascular niche increases the mature CD36–CD235a+ erythroid cells 2.5 times higher than those in the liquid culture. The microenvironment of endothelial cells does not affect the level and expression ratio of fetal and adult hemoglobin during the erythroid differentiation in vitro.
About the Authors
A. S. VoytehovichBelarus
Аlexander S. Voytehovich – Postgraduate student
160, Dolginovsky tract, 220053, Minsk
E. V. Vasina
Elena V. Vasina – Researcher
160, Dolginovsky tract, 220053, Minsk
V. S. Kastsiunina
Viktoryia S. Kastsiunina – Researcher
160, Dolginovsky tract, 220053, Minsk
I. N. Seviaryn
Ihar N. Seviaryn – Biologist
ag. Lesnoy, 223040, Minsk region
N. V. Petyovka
Natalya V. Petyovka – Ph. D. (Chem.)
160, Dolginovsky tract, 220053, Minsk
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For citations:
Voytehovich A.S., Vasina E.V., Kastsiunina V.S., Seviaryn I.N., Petyovka N.V. Influence of the endothelial cells on the erythroid differentiation of umbilical cord blood hematopoietic stem cells in vitro. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, Medical series. 2020;17(1):78-86. (In Russ.)