
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, Medical series

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Respiratory sarcoidosis: immunopathogenetic aspects and diagnostic problems


The analysis of the state of the problem on the sarcoidosis of the respiratory organs at the present stage has been carried out. The aspects of sarcouidosis immunopathogenesis are considered. Attention is focused on the variability of clinical and morphological manifestations and the expediency of identifying clinical and morphological phenotypes of sarcoidosis.

In the differential diagnosis of tuberculosis and sarcoidosis, a comprehensive study of biopsy specimens is recommended, including a morphological study and a molecular study for mycobacterium tuberculosis. The negative result of a molecular study of a tissue substrate improves the accuracy and reliability of morphological verification of sarcoidosis.

About the Authors

L. K. Surkova
Republican Scientific and Practical Center for Pulmonology and Tuberculosis

Larisa K. Surkova – D. Sc. (Med.), Professor, Head of the Department. 

157, Dolginovski Tract, 220053, Minsk

G. L. Borodina
Belarusian State Medical University

Galina L. Borodina – Ph. D. (Med.), Assistant Professor, Head of the Department.

83, Dzerzhinski Ave., 220116, Minsk

N. S. Shpakovskaya
Republican Scientific and Practical Center for Pulmonology and Tuberculosis

Natalya S. Shpakovskaya – Ph. D. (Biol.), Leading researcher. 

157, Dolginovski Tract, 220053, Minsk



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For citations:

Surkova L.K., Borodina G.L., Shpakovskaya N.S. Respiratory sarcoidosis: immunopathogenetic aspects and diagnostic problems. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, Medical series. 2019;16(4):488-498. (In Russ.)

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