
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, Medical series

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Comparative evaluation of the results of posterior rotational osteotomy and femoral varus derotation osteotomy at the II type of Kalamchi deformation in children


The aim of the study was to evaluate the effectiveness of using posterior rotational and femoral varus derotation osteotomy in the treatment of Kalamchi type II deformities in children.

The main group (27 operations in 26 children) included those cases when the posterior rotational osteotomy of the femur was performed according to A.M. Sokolovsky. The control group (39 operations in 36 children) was represented by the cases when femoral varus derotation osteotomy was performed. We evaluated the radiological criteria for stability, centering of the femoral head in the acetabulum, and congruence of the affected hip joints. X-ray control was carried out 3, 6, 12 months after the operation, and then once a year. The clinical treatment results were evaluated on a modified McKay scale, the radiological ones – according to a modified Severin classification. Postoperative follow-up in the main group averaged 7 years 8 months, in the control group – on average 6 years 6 months.

The radiological treatment results in all age subgroups were better in the main group. The clinical treatment results at the age of 10 years were better in the main group, and at the age of 10 years and older, they were comparable in the both groups.

The posterior femoral rotational osteotomy is the surgery of choice in treating Kalamchi type II deformity in children.

About the Authors

Y. V. Likhacheuski
Republican Scientific-Practical Centre of Traumatology and Orthopedics

Yuri V. Likhacheuski – Traumatologist. 

60/4, Kizhevatov Str., 220024, Minsk

A. A. Sakalouski
Republican Scientific-Practical Centre of Traumatology and Orthopedics

Aleh A. Sakalouski – D. Sc. (Med.), Professor, Head of the Laboratory. 

60/4, Kizhevatov Str., 220024, Minsk


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For citations:

Likhacheuski Y.V., Sakalouski A.A. Comparative evaluation of the results of posterior rotational osteotomy and femoral varus derotation osteotomy at the II type of Kalamchi deformation in children. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, Medical series. 2019;16(4):468-476. (In Russ.)

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