
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, Medical series

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The present work studied the changes in the frequency of caesarean sections and established the dynamics of frequency of planned and urgent caesarean sections, the structure of caesarean section in the mother’s interests, and also the level of caesarean section for the reason of insolvency of uterus cicatrix for the period of 2001–2011 at the Kiev Municipal Maternity Hospital no. 1.

The increase in the frequency of caesarean sections is marked. The positive dynamics of growth of planned operative interferences frequency attracts attention. For the studied period, the level of frequency of caesarean sections for the reason of uterus cicatrix insolvency increased 4.7 times.

About the Authors

N. P. Goncharuk
Kiev City Maternity Hospital no. 1

Natalya P. Goncharuk – Ph. D. (Med.), Chief doctor

5, Arsenalnaya Str., Kiev

O. Iu. Gurzhenko
P. L. Shupik National Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education

Elena Yu. Gurzhenko – Ph. D. (Med.), Assistant

9, Dorogozhitskaya Str., Kiev


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For citations:

Goncharuk N.P., Gurzhenko O.I. ANALYSIS OF ABDOMINAL DELIVERY ACCORDING TO THE MOTHER’S REASONS. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, Medical series. 2018;15(3):339-346. (In Russ.)

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