
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, Medical series

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A prospective comparative study of the diagnostic efficiency of X-ray computed tomography (CT), ultrasound  (US), bone marrow biopsy, osteoscintigraphy and a new safe diagnostic method – whole body diffusion-weighted magnetic  resonance imaging (MRI-DWI) in staging lymphoma was conducted. We examined 158 adults including 68 with Hodgkin  lymphoma and 90 with non-Hodgkin lymphoma. MRI-DWI demonstrated the highest diagnostic efficiency of lymphoid and  bone marrow lesions. For the first time, indications for bone marrow biopsy in patients with lymphoma who underwent whole  body MRI-DWI were determined. A new highly effective and safe lymphoma staging algorithm has been developed, including  whole  body  MRI-DWI,  US  of  the  spleen,  bone  marrow  biopsy  (by  indications).  The  developed  algorithm  increases a lymphoma staging accuracy with respect to CT without intravenous contrast by 23 %, with respect to CT with intravenous  contrast by 17 %. The staging accuracy was 98 %. At the same time, X-ray and radioisotope radiation is not used, intravenous  administration of contrast agents and radioactive isotopes is not required, the number of bone marrow biopsies is reduced by  72 %, and a cost of patient examination is reduced.

About the Authors

S. A. Kharuzhyk
N. N. Alexandrov National Cancer Centre.
Russian Federation

Siarhei A. Kharuzhyk – Ph. D. (Med.), Assistant Professor, doctor of MRI. 

223040, Lesnoy, Minsk region.

E. A. Zhavrid
N. N. Alexandrov National Cancer Centre.
Russian Federation

Edvard A. Zhavrid – D. Sc. (Med.), Chief researcher,  Professor.

223040, Lesnoy, Minsk region.

N. V. Sachivko
N. N. Alexandrov National Cancer Centre.
Russian Federation

Nina V. Sachivko – Ph. D. (Med.), Leading researcher.  

223040, Lesnoy, Minsk region.


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For citations:

Kharuzhyk S.A., Zhavrid E.A., Sachivko N.V. NEW ALGORITHM FOR LYMPHOMA STAGING BASED ON WHOLE BODY DIFFUSION-WEIGHTED MAGNETIC RESONANCE IMAGING. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, Medical series. 2018;15(2):179-198. (In Russ.)

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