
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, Medical series

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The present article reviews national and foreign literature devoted to the assessment of the role of risk factors in the development of chronic non-infectious diseases and their contribution to the mortality of population. It is noted that up to 80 % of all deaths from circulatory system diseases occur in countries with a low to medium level of economic development. The proof of the urgent necessity of creating full-scale prevention programs and a monitoring system in the Republic of Belarus is presented here. The monitoring system is a necessary element that allows assessing the effectiveness of the prevention programs. 

About the Authors

Igor A. Cheshyk
Institute of Radiobiology of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus

Ph. D. (Med.), Associate Professor, Director

4, Fedyuninskу Str., 246007, Gomel

Tamara M. Sharshakova
Gomel State Medical University

D. Sc. (Med.), Professor, Head of the Department

5, Lange Str., 246000, Gomel


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For citations:

Cheshyk I.A., Sharshakova T.M. PREVENTION RISK FACTORS IN THE REGIONS WITH A HIGH MORTALITY LEVEL. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, Medical series. 2018;15(1):89-98. (In Russ.)

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