
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, Medical series

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This article presents the results of long-term research on the basis of which unique technologies have been developed and implemented which one allowed to reduce the frequency of postoperative complications and to improve longterm results of treatment of patients with chronic liver diseases at the terminal stage, liver tumors, and fulminant hepatic failure. 

About the Authors

Oleg O. Rummo
9th City Clinical Hospital

Corresponding Member, D. Sc. (Med.), Professor

8, Semashko Str., 220045, Minsk

Denis Ju. Efimov
9th City Clinical Hospital

Ph. D. (Med.), Surgeon

8, Semashko Str., 220045, Minsk

Aliaksej E. Shcherba
9th City Clinical Hospital

Ph. D. (Med.), Assistant Professor, Head of the Department

8, Semashko Str., 220045, Minsk

Alexander M. Dzyadzko
9th City Clinical Hospital

Ph. D. (Med.), Assistant Professor, Head of the Department

8, Semashko Str., 220045, Minsk


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5. Minou A. F., Dzyadzko A. M., Shcherba A. E., Rummo O. O. The influence of pharmacological preconditioning with sevoflurane on incidence of early allograft dysfunction in liver transplant recipients. Anesthesiology Research and Practice, 2012, vol. 2012, 5 p. DOI: 10.1155/2012/930487

6. Shcherba A. E., Korotkov S. V., Minov A. F., Slobodin Yu. V., Savchuk M. M., Dzyadz’ko A. M., Rummo O. O. The effect of sevoflurane and acetylcysteine on ischemically-reperfusion damage of the donor liver with death of the brain. Vestnik transplantologii i iskusstvennykh organov [Bulletin of Transplantology and Artificial Organs], 2013, no. 1, pp. 39–44 (in Russian).

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8. Minov A. F., Dzyadz’ko A. M. A method for diagnosing the risk of developing hemorrhagic syndrome or thrombotic complications. Patent Republic of Belarus no. 17630, 2013 (in Russian).

9. Shcherba A., Korotkov S., Efimov D., Minou A., Lebedz O., Karytka A., Fedaruk D., Santotsky E., Dzyadzko A., Rummo O. Portal and arterial flushing with HTK and tacrolimus can attenuate the incidence of early liver allograft dysfunction. Journal of Translational Medicine and Research, 2016, vol. 21, no. 2, pp. 109–115. DOI: 10.21614/jtmr-21-2-82

10. Minov A. F., Dzyadz’ko A. M., Shcherba A. E., Rummo O. O. Influence of the tactics of intensive therapy of hemostasis disorders on the intraoperative need for transfusion of blood components and the course of the postoperative period in liver transplantation. Novosti khirurgii [Surgery news], 2013, vol. 21, no. 3, pp. 69–78 (in Russian).

11. Dzyadz’ko A. M., Rummo O. O., Shcherba A. E., Minov A. F., Bolonkin L. S., Santotskii E. O., Chugunova O. A. Anesthesia and intensive therapy with hypothermic liver resections. First experience : materials of VII congress of anesthesiologists-resuscitators in the North-West of Russia. Efferentnaya terapiya [Efferent therapy], 2013, vol. 19, no. 2, p. 9 (in Russian).

12. IRODaT Newsletter 2013. IRODaT: International Registry in Organ Donation and Transplantation. Available at: (accessed 16.01.2018).


For citations:

Rummo O.O., Efimov D.J., Shcherba A.E., Dzyadzko A.M. TRANSPLANT TECHNOLOGIES IN THE TREATMENT OF LIVER DISEASES OF ADULTS AND CHILDREN. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, Medical series. 2018;15(1):17-27. (In Russ.)

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ISSN 1814-6023 (Print)
ISSN 2524-2350 (Online)