
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, Medical series

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Diagnosis of maxillofacial area diseases is based on the use of subjective and objective research methods. In particular, the history of diseases of the maxillary sinus of the odontogenic origin is important at the stage of differential diagnosis. The aim of the study was to investigate the possibility of applying a subjective assessment of the condition of patients after a radical surgical treatment of odontogenic diseases of the maxillary sinus on the basis of various questionnaires: the index “Profile of the influence of dental health” OHIP-49 (G. Slade, J. Spenser, 1994), a questionnaire prediction development of complications of odontogenic sinusitis (G.A. Poberezhnik, 2014) and the questionnaire developed by us. The long-term results of a radical operation on the maxillary sinus using the Caldwell–Luke method indicated that 70 % of the examined patients had no improvement after two years or more. There were complaints typical of the clinical picture of exacerbation of chronic odontogenic sinusitis, in particular, one-sided stuffiness of the nose with serous or purulent discharge, a feeling of heaviness and discomfort, a pain in the projection of the sinus of the upper jaw. The index of OHIP-49 revealed a decrease in the life quality on average by 24 %, but this method is not specific for surgical pathology of the maxillofacial area. When predicting the development of complications of odontogenic sinusitis using a questionnaire of G.A. Poberezhnik, a high risk of recurrence is established in 82.5 % of cases. According to the questionnaire developed by us, the risk of developing the disease was revealed in 47.5 % of studies, minor functional abnormalities were detected in 27.5 % of patients, mean – in 12.5 %. The proposed method of subjective examination of patients with chronic odontogenic pathological processes of the maxillary sinus is more sensitive and allows obtaining predictive results. Questioning as a way of getting additional information in combination with clinical examination data allows one to identify patients at risk of recurrence of maxillary sinus diseases of the odontogenic origin at the stages of examination and dynamic observation after treatment.

About the Authors

K. V. Vilkitskaya
Belarusian State Medical University
Ph. D. (Med.), Associate Professor

N. I. Poliakova
Minsk Regional Dental Clinic


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For citations:

Vilkitskaya K.V., Poliakova N.I. RISK ASSESSMENT OF COMPLICATIONS AFTER RADICAL OPERATIVE THERAPY OF CHRONIC MAXILLARY SINUS DISEASES OF THE ODONTOGENIC ORIGIN. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, Medical series. 2017;(2):117-120. (In Russ.)

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