About the Authors
E. PovelitsaBelarus
Ph. D. (Med.), urologist
N. Serdjuchenko
Academician, D. Sc. (Med.), Professor
N. Dosta
Ph. D. (Med.), Assistant Professor
E. Vaschenko
A. Malkov
O. Parhomenko
ultrasound diagnostician doctor
V. Domantsevich
D. Nitkin
Ph. D. (Med.), Assistant Professor, Head of the Department
A. Shesternya
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For citations:
Povelitsa E., Serdjuchenko N., Dosta N., Vaschenko E., Malkov A., Parhomenko O., Domantsevich V., Nitkin D., Shesternya A. ERECTILE DYSFUNCTION IN PATIENTS WITH AUTONOMIC DIABETIC NEUROPATHY. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, Medical series. 2017;(2):89-103. (In Russ.)