
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, Medical series

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We performed an experimental study to compare application of original stappled intestinal suture covered with amniotic membranae and general (standard) intestinal suture methods. Pathogenetic-based blunt abdominal trauma with gydrodynamic stroke intestinal rupture model was used to create each of two conditions: intestinal rupture complicated with 3 hours-last acute peritonitis and intestinal rupture complicated with 24 hours-last acute peritonitis. group 1 – small intestine damage was sutured with a single continuous hand-wound stiches 6–0 (Schmiden’s), which was covered by a single-row Lambert stitches, subgroup 2 – with mechanical suture in the transverse direction by the linear stapler device, than it was covered by a single-row serous Lambert stitches, subgroup 3 – an everted mechanical seam was applied in the transverse direction, which was covered with a patch of cryopreserved amniotic membrane. The experimental animals were crucified after intestinai rupture suturing on the 7th, 14th and 30th days. According to growth of fibrous tissue, both in the joint zone and outside it, tendency to abdominal adhesions it turned out, that proposed method reduces adhesions formation intensity in abdominal cavity.

About the Authors

N. V. Zavada
Belarus Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education

O. E. Volkov
Belarus Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education
Postgraduate student

S. N. Ryabtseva
Belarus Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education
Ph. D. (Med.), Researcher

I. A. Shwed
Belarus Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education
D. Sc. (Med.), Professor


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For citations:

Zavada N.V., Volkov O.E., Ryabtseva S.N., Shwed I.A. MORPHOLOGICAL EVALUATION OF THE EFFICIENCY OF ABDOMINAL ADHESIONS PREVENTION WITH NEW INTESTINAL RUPTURE SUTURE IN PERITONITIS (EXPERIMENTAL STUDY). Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, Medical series. 2017;(2):50-60. (In Russ.)

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