
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, Medical series

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Analysis of indicators of blood, bone marrow cells and thyroid metabolism of male rats of the first generation obtained from irradiated females and nonirradiated males


The state of the haematopoietic system in the male rats of the first generation at ages of 2, 4 and 6 months, obtained from the females irradiated at a dose of 0.5 Gy and unexposed (intact) males, is studied. It is shown that in the experimental animals, the violations of a quantitative composition of leukocyte cell counts, a significant increase of apoptotic lymphocytes in the degradation phase (in animals aged 6 months), the functional activity of bone marrow cells, and a marked intensification of thyroid metabolism are revealed. The changes of the studied parameters, probably due to the instability of genetic structures of gametes of irradiated females manifested in the offspring are established.

About the Authors

G. G. Vereschako
Institute of Radiobiology of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus

G. A. Gorokh
Institute of Radiobiology of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus

E. V. Andronova
Institute of Radiobiology of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus

D. V. Suchareva
Institute of Radiobiology of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus


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For citations:

Vereschako G.G., Gorokh G.A., Andronova E.V., Suchareva D.V. Analysis of indicators of blood, bone marrow cells and thyroid metabolism of male rats of the first generation obtained from irradiated females and nonirradiated males. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, Medical series. 2016;(1):86-90. (In Russ.)

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