
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, Medical series

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Antigen-antibody electrostatic interactions in the AB0 blood system


Our aim was to study the antigen-antibody isoelectric relationships in the AB0 blood system at different pH, considering the nature of antibodies and isotypes of group antigens. The test erythrocytes were subjected to the loading with serum with group-specific antibodies of IgG and IgM classes in the pH gradient, followed by an assessment of the hemolysis. The presence of only acid type of antibodies in the donor's serum led to the hemolysis of erythrocytes with both corresponding antigen isotypes in the acid area of pH from 5.8 to 6.6. On the contrary, the presence of only alkaline corresponding group-specific antibodies in the serum led to the hemolysis of erythrocytes in the alkaline zone of pH at 8.4-8.8. Finally, the use of serum with both alkaline and acid types of antibodies of appropriate specificity determined the absence of the hemolysis while changing the pH medium both to the acid and alkaline zone. Thus, group-specific antibodies of IgM and IgG classes are important in the stabilization of the erythrocyte membrane in the presence of electrostatic imbalance in the membrane itself. The study of blood serum for the appearance of the hemolysis in the alkaline or acid pH medium makes it possible to detect the presence of a complete or incomplete spectrum of antibodies of corresponding specificity, i. e. to identify ANAP and CINAP phenomena in any serological laboratory.

About the Authors

Yu. P. Delevsky
Kharkiv National Medical University

V. Yu. Dielievska
Kharkiv National Medical University


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For citations:

Delevsky Yu.P., Dielievska V.Yu. Antigen-antibody electrostatic interactions in the AB0 blood system. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, Medical series. 2016;(1):44-51. (In Russ.)

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