
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, Medical series

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Histological characteristics of lipofuscin in the liver of rats with experimental cirrhosis


The aim of this work was a morphological study of lipofuscin in the liver of rats with experimental cirrhosis. 96 white rats were divided into six experimental groups and the control group. Cirrhosis was induced by long-term intragastric administration of an oil solution of carbon tetrachloride and ethanol by free watering. The results showed that both the main and additional staining techniques allow one to clearly identify the presence of lipofuscin in the liver of experimental rats and its absence in the control animals. The characteristic dynamics of lipofuscin localization and content in the liver during the development of the cirrhotic process were identified. At the beginning of the experiment its main localization was characterized by a connective tissue cells around the vessels, and by the end of the experiment, it also appeared in hepatocytes of individual lobules. It can be assumed that originally pigment accumulates in the cells, the destruction of which leads to its passage into the intercellular substance of newly formed connective tissue. In 19 weeks of the experiment, the total lipofuscin amount increased by a factor of 4.03, as compared to that in 3 weeks. Identified in this study lipofuscin is undoubtedly a result of the pathological process, and it is not a marker of aging and is not a result of metabolic processes in the organ.

About the Author

E. I. Lebedzeva
Витебский государственный ордена Дружбы народов медицинский университет


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For citations:

Lebedzeva E.I. Histological characteristics of lipofuscin in the liver of rats with experimental cirrhosis. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, Medical series. 2015;(2):41-46. (In Russ.)

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