
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, Medical series

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Mathematical modeling of the oxygen distribution in malignant tumors


With the help of the mathematical modeling based on the solution of differential equations of second order, the oxygen distribution in tumors of simple geometric shape - spherical, cylindrical and flat layer, was calculated. The comparison of the parameters characterizing the oxygen distribution in tumors of simple forms shows the proximity of the values of these parameters, which allows the results to be used to estimate the oxygen distribution in tumors of arbitrary geometry.

About the Authors

N. S. Ponomarenko
Kharkiv National Medical University

V. G. Knigavko
Kharkiv National Medical University

L. V. Batyuk
Kharkiv National Medical University

M. A. Bondarenko
Kharkiv National Medical University


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For citations:

Ponomarenko N.S., Knigavko V.G., Batyuk L.V., Bondarenko M.A. Mathematical modeling of the oxygen distribution in malignant tumors. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, Medical series. 2015;(4):61-67. (In Russ.)

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