
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, Medical series

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Osmolality of the effluent of the preservation solution «Custodiol» as a new predictor of initial kidney transplant dysfunction


The objective of the study was a search for new predictors of initial kidney transplant dysfunction. For this matter, the effluent of the preservation solution "Custodiol" in cadaveric brain dead donors was investigated (metabolites, electrolytes, osmolality, blood red cells count and hemoglobin). It was revealed that the osmolality of the effluent and its value > 97.3 mmol / kg at the stage of explantation is an independent predictor of renal graft dysfunction in the postoperative period.

About the Authors

D. N. Sadouski
9th City Clinical Hospital

A. V. Kalachyk
9th City Clinical Hospital

E. G. Oganova
9th City Clinical Hospital

D. A. Fedoruk
9th City Clinical Hospital

E. U. Kruchenok
9th City Clinical Hospital

O. O. Rummo
9th City Clinical Hospital


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For citations:

Sadouski D.N., Kalachyk A.V., Oganova E.G., Fedoruk D.A., Kruchenok E.U., Rummo O.O. Osmolality of the effluent of the preservation solution «Custodiol» as a new predictor of initial kidney transplant dysfunction. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, Medical series. 2015;(4):38-43. (In Russ.)

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