
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, Medical series

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Applied aspects of the mathematical modelling of the growth of embryonic tumors in children during the first year of life


Volumetric and kinetic characteristics of embryonic tumors were studied following an initial ultrasound diagnosis of malignant neoplasms (MN) of 109 children of both sexes at the age of 1-366 days. Analysis was made of the data for children with morphologically confirmed diagnosis of the nephroblastoma (n = 31), retroperitoneal neuroblastoma, neuroblastoma adrenal (n = 58), and hepatoblastoma (n = 20). Nonlinear models were built using the Gompertz function and the exponential functions describing the tumor growth. The comparative analysis showed that the data are more exactly approximated by of the S-shaped relationship. According to the results of statistical calculations and mathematical modeling, the patient age and the time of realizing the tumor metastatic potential were synchronized. The estimated age period suggests the possibility of early visualization of MN in the first four months of life in much smaller quantities that are actually diagnosed.

About the Authors

I. V. Begun
Республиканский научно-практический центр детской онкологии и гематологии

O. V. Krasko
Объединенный институт проблем информатики НАН Беларуси

O. V. Aleynikova
Республиканский научно-практический центр детской онкологии и гематологии


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For citations:

Begun I.V., Krasko O.V., Aleynikova O.V. Applied aspects of the mathematical modelling of the growth of embryonic tumors in children during the first year of life. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, Medical series. 2014;(1):4-11.

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