
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, Medical series

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Electron spin resonance spectroscopy evaluation of the serum albumin function quality in kidney transplant recipients


We have the priority in using the electron spin resonance (ESR) spectroscopy to measure changes of the serum albumin functionality (DTE) in kidney transplant recipients.We found that the serum albumin functionality grew up in the group of patients with a satisfied kidney function. The medianDTE level was found to be 111 (62.2; 155.6) % in the early postoperative period and to be 144.4 (110.9; 175) % in the late period.Patients with kidney transplant dysfunction had a significant lower level of the serum albumin activity (55.4 (34; 81.1) %). The median value of DTE for patients with acute rejection was found even on a lower level - 91 (65.9; 144.4) % ( p < 0.0001) that can be used as a quick and non-invasive technique to identify the acute rejection.We evaluated the toxic influence of the basic drugs used for kidney transplant rejection prophylactics on the albumin functionality. We found that tacrolimus usage was associated with a less toxic influence. Median DTE was established to be86.35 (54.5; 144.4 % versus 56.4 (37; 83.7) % for cyclosporin A ( р = 0.0024).

About the Authors

О. Калачик
9-я городская клиническая больница

И. Уголев
Белорусский государственный университет

Т. Забелло
Белорусский государственный университет

Д. Садовский
9-я городская клиническая больница

Е. Оганова
9-я городская клиническая больница

В. Муравский
Научно-производственное предприятие «Альбутран»


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For citations:

, , , , , Electron spin resonance spectroscopy evaluation of the serum albumin function quality in kidney transplant recipients. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, Medical series. 2014;(4):72-77. (In Russ.)

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