Ectopic teeth in the maxillary sinus
Dental ectopia is a rare developing anomaly characterized by a change in the normal eruption pathway of a deciduous, permanent or supernumerary tooth. In some cases, ectopic teeth are present in the non-dentate area like maxillary sinus. The article presents cone beam computed tomography data of 7 asymptomatic patients with teeth totally or partially located inside the maxillary sinus. Dentigerous cysts and odontomas can cause displacement of impacted teeth into ectopic positions.
About the Authors
Y. M. MelnichenkoBelarus
Yuliya М. Melnichenko – Ph. D. (Med.), Associate Professor
83, Dzerzhynski Ave., 220116, Minsk
S. L. Kabak
Sergey L. Kabak – Ph. D. (Med.), Professor, Head of the Department
83, Dzerzhynski Ave., 220116, Minsk
N. A. Savrasova
Nina A. Savrasova – Ph. D. (Med.), Associate Professor, radiologist
58А, Nezavisimosti Ave., Minsk
R. S. Mekhtiev
Ruslan S. Mekhtiev – Assistant
83, Dzerzhynski Ave., 220116, Minsk
For citations:
Melnichenko Y.M., Kabak S.L., Savrasova N.A., Mekhtiev R.S. Ectopic teeth in the maxillary sinus. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, Medical series. 2023;20(2):106-111.