First domestic apparatus for vacuum therapy
The first domestic device for vacuum therapy, Impulse KM-1, has been developed. The device is intended for the treatment of wounds, using a method of VAC therapy. Copyright protected by 2 patents. The device includes: an electronic unit with an internal power source, an external battery charge source, a reservoir for collecting of wound discharge, a disposable sterile dressing kit. The kit consists of a sponge, a film covering, a tube with a fixing head, a connector tube. The device is designed for a multiple use, provides continuous, variable and intermittent operation. Clinical trials of the device have been successfully carried out. As part of clinical trials, 17 patients who were treated at the hospital surgery clinic of the Vitebsk State Order of Peoples’ Friendship Medical University with surgical infections of the skin and soft tissues received vacuum therapy of wounds using the Impulse KM-1 apparatus. A significant reduction in the time of wound treatment was noted. The device has established itself as a reliable, easy to use device. The cost of the Impulse KM-1 apparatus is approximately 2500 $ and the cost of a disposable dressing kit is 40 $.
About the Authors
S. D. FedzianinBelarus
Siarhei D. Fedzianin – Ph. D. (Med.), Associate Professor
27, Frunze Ave., 210009, Vitebsk
V. A. Kosinets
Vladimir A. Kosinets – D. Sc. (Med.), Professor
27, Frunze Ave., 210009, Vitebsk
B. M. Khroustalev
Boris M. Khroustalev – Academician, D. Sc. (Eng.),Professor
65, Nezavisimosti Ave., 220013, Minsk
V. T. Minchenya
Vladimir T. Minchenya – Ph. D. (Eng.), Professor
65, Nezavisimosti Avе., 220013, Minsk
Yu. H. Aliakseyeu
Yury H. Aliakseyeu – Ph. D. (Eng.), Associate Professor
24, suite 34/1, Yа. Kolas Str., 220013, Minsk
V. S. Niss
Vladimir S. Niss – Ph. D. (Eng.), Associate Professor
65, Nezavisimosti Ave., 220013, Minsk
A. S. Yatsko
Aliaksander S. Yatsko – surgeon
37, Voinov-internatsionalistov Str., 210037, Vitebsk
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For citations:
Fedzianin S.D., Kosinets V.A., Khroustalev B.M., Minchenya V.T., Aliakseyeu Yu.H., Niss V.S., Yatsko A.S. First domestic apparatus for vacuum therapy. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, Medical series. 2021;18(4):491-496. (In Russ.)