In experiments on male rats it was demonstrated that the administration of mesenchymal stem cells in the sub-mucosal space of the nasal cavities of rats in 10 minutes after the unilateral destruction by the aspiration of 20 microlitre of the tissue CA1 of the hippocampus region is accompanied by the restoration of the vital functions and the protective and indicative reflexes as a whole by one week earlier than in the rats, into which MSCs were not administered after similar destructions of the brain in the sub-mucosal membrane of the nasal cavities.
About the Authors
S. G. PashkevichBelarus
Ph. D. (Biol.), Head of the Laboratory.
D. P. Tokalchik
Junior researcher.
G. P. Mironova
Ph. D. (Biol.), Senior rereresearcher
M. O. Dosina
Ph. D. (Biol.), Senior rereresearcher
O. G. Tichonovich
Ph. D. (Biol.), Senior rereresearcher
Yu. P. Stukach
Junior researcher.
V. N. Kalyunov
D. Sc. (Biol.), Chief researcher.
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For citations:
Pashkevich S.G., Tokalchik D.P., Mironova G.P., Dosina M.O., Tichonovich O.G., Stukach Yu.P., Kalyunov V.N. IMPLEMENTATION OF THE VITAL FUNCTIONS OF RATS AFTER THE REORGANIZATION OF THE NEURAL HIPPOCAMPUS CIRCUITRY BY MESENCHYMAL STEM CELLS. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, Medical series. 2017;(1):111-117. (In Russ.)