The work presents the results of surgical treatment of 177 patients with localized cancer in the oropharyngeal area. The volume of surgical resection depended on the location and prevalence of cancer in the periglottis, the mouth floor and oropharynx. Depending on the volume of resection, the patients were divided into two groups: the control group consisted of 95 patients who underwent endoral resection within one or two anatomical structures; the main group consisted of 82 patients who underwent extended resection with simultaneous reconstructive surgery within no less than three anatomical areas.
Wherein the vast postresectional defects are formed, which are accompanied by the disorder of such vital functions as respiration, speech, chewing, and swallowing. Following the disorder of these functions, the mentality of patients is injured, resulting in social maladjustment that often becomes the reason for their refusal from surgery. Formed postresectional defects, which are incompatible with life, are an absolute indication for momentary reconstructive surgery.
Before and after surgical treatment, speech and swallowing function rates were measured in all the patients.
About the Authors
V. V. TatchikhinBelarus
Head of the Department.
I. V. Zalutskii
Corresponding Member, D. Sc. (Med.), Professor, Director of the Institute of Physiology
V. V. Anichkin
D. Sc. (Med.), Professor.
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For citations:
Tatchikhin V.V., Zalutskii I.V., Anichkin V.V. SURGICAL TREATMENT OF PATIENTS WITH SQUAMOUS CELL CARCINOMA OF THE OROPHARYNGEAL AREA. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, Medical series. 2017;(1):21-28. (In Russ.)