
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, Medical series

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Prognosis of the angiogenesis of the growth of high-malingnant neuroepithelial tumors for the relapse occurrence


The patients with high-malignant neuroepitelial tumors contaminated with HSV in 92-93 % have clinical symptomes such as eruption, high leucocytes, and a speed of concretion leucocytes. Contamination of high- malignant neuroepithelial tumors by herpes simplex virus (HSV) has expression bcl-2 of endothelial cells three times as large as the control group. Contamination of high-malignant neuroepitelial tumors by herpes simplex virus indefinitely influences the apoptosis in endothelial and tumor cells. Having carried out the research, we could assume that the growth of blood vessels of the tumor and the growth of the tumor itself took place in two consequent stages. Initially, the blood vessels occurred (mainly). Then, the growth of the tumor itself was observed. Neuroepithelial tumors recurred on the background of exacerbation of chronicle inflammation in the interval: glyoblastomas - 3 to 6 months, anaplastical astrocytomas and olygodendroglyomas and ependimomas - 6 to 9 months.

About the Authors

T. . Gukova
Republican Scientific-Practical Center of Traumatology and Orthopedics

A. . Smeyanovich
Neurosurgery Department, Republican Scientific-Practical Center of Neurology and Neurosurgery

C. . Bezubik
Neurosurgery Department, Republican Scientific-Practical Center of Neurology and Neurosurgery

B. . Maluk
Republican Scientific-Practical Center of Traumatology and Orthopedics

Y. . Kuznecov
Public Health Department, 5 Polyclinic of City


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For citations:

Gukova T., Smeyanovich A., Bezubik C., Maluk B., Kuznecov Y. Prognosis of the angiogenesis of the growth of high-malingnant neuroepithelial tumors for the relapse occurrence. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, Medical series. 2015;(3):19-23. (In Russ.)

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